Everyone wants to play the blame game when it comes to a car accident. They shouldn't have merged here! They were going too fast! They were parked safely and visibly? It's easy to point fingers at the opposing party in any fender bender, but when a guy hits a car that's parked in a perfectly normal parking spot, there's no secret about who's at fault…
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When it comes to hyper-masculine, ultra-patronizing guys, there's no limit to how far their willing to go to put the blame on someone else in a car accident, even if they were the only driver present. In our next story, one man was so brazen after hitting a woman's parked vehicle, he got himself arrested. Simply by being so belligerent and demeaning, this male Karen got exactly what he deserved– and then some. Scroll for all the details of how one guy walked straight into his own traps, making a fool of himself and likely getting himself put on a watchlist somewhere.
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