When someone starts a sentence with, "Don't get it twisted…" You know they're about to absolutely pop off on something or somebody. It's one of those sentence-starters that can send a chill down your spine if you're on the wrong end of it. Some other ones: "And just one more thing" or "Hey girlie I couldn't help but notice" or "I've had a fun time getting to know you but." Woof. Just typing those out is making me a little sweaty. Language is a powerful thing.
Whoever said "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" has clearly never been in middle school. In my world, bullying was less swirlies and purple nurples and more… scathing AskFM posts. Lord, I do not miss that time on the internet. But lucky for us, these memes aren't out to get us through nasty language. They let us be exactly who we are.