Male Karen won't stop griping at neighbor's wife whenever her husband leaves for work, husband leaves perfectly vengeful parting gift when they move out: 'Best. Gift. Ever.'

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    "I STILL laugh when I think about it."
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    Husband gives epic petty gift after ongoing boomer neighbor issues. I was told this story would be appreciated here We moved into a rental house in a neighborhood with our 3 kids and the day after we moved in, our boomer neighbor (let's call him Gene) knocked on our door after my husband left for work. When I answered the door, he skipped all pleasantries and introductions to gruffly inform me that the light switch in my family room closet needed to be turned off IMMEDIATELY and that it was my D
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    Unfortunately, my Gene encounters persisted during the 18 months we lived there. He would wait for my husband to leave, then come and complain and gripe at me about something we had done wrong- "Our dogs would loudly sniff at the fence if he was outside, our sprinkler was spraying too high, our trash can was too close to his, etc etc." Our other neighbors ADORED us and our kids, so I really don't think we were the problem. I finally stopped answering the door, so he started leaving notes and eve
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    We were finally moving to a new place out of town and my husband went back to do the final walk through of the house. When he left for the final time, he called me and to let me know he had a gift for me.... the last thing he did before locking the door and leaving that house for good? Turning on THE patio light switch in the closet knowing full well the landlord wouldn't be there for final cleaning for 4 days. Best. Gift. Ever. I STILL laugh when I think about it.
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    BiffBanter 5h ago • "Our dogs would loudly sniff at the fence" And for that reason.... I'm out. What a maroon. I'd consider upping the wattage on that bulb. 959 Reply ↑ Share gcruzatto ⚫4h ago I'd bet the light wasn't even a big issue for him, as he was looking for excuses to complain about everything. But I hope I'm wrong and he did have a hard time at the end 155 Reply ↑ Share
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    SeparateProblem3029 3h ago When I was a kid my neighbour used to accuse our dog of spying on her ALL the TIME! She would spray water at the fence to deter her, which didn't work since Tomorrow loved water. That ended when she sprayed the dog one and it was my granny there doing some gardening. It is surprising how many swears a wee pious Irish granny knows when she has had just her freshly set hair drenched. ↑ 62 Reply ↑ Share ...
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    Bob RosssChesthair • 5h ago What a gross guy, waiting for the male to leave so he can intimidate a woman. I'm glad you guys moved! 283 Reply ↑ Share sathara88 OP. 5h ago Yeah he was a special kind of obnoxious. When he would stand on the porch and knock, I would cheerily wave at him from the window of my living room and then continue on with what I was doing. Aggressively cheerful ignoring. Drove him crazy 250 Reply ↑ Share
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    Tlr321 5m ago My family used to have a neighbor exactly like this when I was growing up - Randy. He would wait until my dad left for work to come over & ask for something. Randy wasn't explicitly ; he was just weird - always finding a reason to strike up a conversation/confrontation. He never knew how to finish a conversation, and often times he would linger. We had a chain link fence around our property, so there wasn't much privacy. We would be in our backyard & he would just be outside on his
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    She would be outside gardening, sometimes with her headphones on & he'd try to strike up a conversation. If she didn't hear him, he'd start throwing little items toward her to get her attention. His conversations weren't ever important usually idle chitchat or blanket complaints about nothing. He took regular vacations to SE Asia because he enjoyed the culture there so much after serving in Vietnam. About once a year he would leave for several weeks - sometimes up to 3 months. It was so nice whe
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    One year though, he had to delay his trip until June because of his work. My parents used that opportunity to put up a wood fence around our property. He returned about a month after it had been up & was not thrilled to see it. The morning after Randy got back, my dad had the day off & he had my mom leave in his car around the normal time that he would be leaving for work. Sure enough, a few minutes later, Randy comes knocking. He was shocked when my dad answered the door instead of my mom & alm
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    Scottla94 5h ago I personally think if I knew it was safe I would have bridged the wires took out the switch and patched the wall as the switch never existed 179 Reply ↑ Share mmpjd 5h ago Pure evil...I love it! 34 Reply ↑ Share ...
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    krismitka 3h ago Not to code. But remove the switch and put a cover over it and you are good to go! + 8 + Reply ↑ Share valkyrie 9005 ⚫ 4h ago This was my first thought. Oh, geez, the switch is broken. that's so weird. ↑ 6 Reply ↑ Share Fofalus 3h ago • I was really hoping he had bridged the wires and paneled it off but I am at least satisfied with 4 days minimum annoyance. 4 Reply ↑ Share
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    cluckaduck47 • 3h ago That's pretty sweet. My husband would have pretended to leave, swung back around the block once the old guy came to the house and confronted him. Ain't no way, he would ever allow someone to continuously harass me or our family like that. 13 Reply ↑ Share Brilliant6240 1h ago SAYIN! I would have taken care of it myself, but I got a fat mout. NYC, and all the 'tude 4233 Reply ↑ Share
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    Mabama1450 • 2h ago Neighbour was a misogynistic bully who should have been put in his place. 843 Reply ↑ Share LAD-Fan • 2h ago Well done. I probably would have added a strobe effect, for good measure. 843 Reply ↑ Share
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    golgol12 .24m ago You're a better person than me. After the second time he came over I'd tell him that the light was going to be turned back on if he continued antagonizing me. € 44 ⇓ Reply ↑ Share ... sathara88 OP. 20m ago "That's it, Gene! You're on spotlight timeout." +3 ☐ Reply ↑ Share 23 3
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    SweetSara1438 • 3h ago Dude... that's creepy he knew where the switch was... I get he may not have always been a and might've been friendly enough with previous tenants to be in the home for some occasion or other, but it's highly unlikely given his history with OP. That said, y'all did right by him. Good on you! + 2 Reply ↑ Share
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    Crafty_Way3397 • 3h ago This reminds me of an unrelated story of an old lady who would randomly visit her new neighbor daily to ask for some moderately random thing like this. Turns out she was just lonely and wanted company, so when the guy invited her to hang out even without an excuse it flipped the whole circumstance on its head. 423 Reply ↑ Share Betoken 1h ago As the ancient Tibetan philosophy states: Don't start none, won't be none. 4233 Reply ↑ Share


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