Barista gets reprimanded by manager for not giving a customer her phone number

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    "I got scolded by my manager for telling a customer I don't want to give him my phone number."
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  • 02
    As a barista, I got scolded by my manager for telling a customer I don't want to give him my phone number I love my job, I love the company I work in, but today I got upset because my manager told me to mind my attitude since I'm at the front with customers. Today the queue was long and there was many people behind him, and while taking his latte order, I asked him what else would you like today? He told me I could use ur phone number
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    too and he handed me a note and paper, I passed it back to him and said, I'm sorry sir there's many in line waiting please step aside and wait for your order. There was some boos from the customers behind him and some even said we dont mind just give him the number. The manager stepped in and told him sorry for her (my) attitude and everything went as a regular day. She told me at the back to not do that again, and if someone ask my number I should just say "I'm sorry I have a boyfriend or pleas
  • 04
    I find it abit disrespectful towards me but i dont know whats the standard procedure for this. Was I really wrong? Edit: Thank you for your responses everyone, I really appreciate everyone from this sub for your help and advice! I should have given my cafe business card instead, but it was hard to think of any proper response when I had to think it up on the spot, but hopefully it was in a professional way that didn't hurt anyone's feeling. I didn't expect so much help and support and I'm sorry
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  • 05
    pekak62.16 hr. ago Give him your manager's number. 4.5k Reply Share chaeartncos OP. 16 hr. ago Thing is, she doesnt even share her number to us. Only email and cafe number 1.6k Reply Share
  • 06
    sashablausspringer 16 hr. ago That was the most professional way of handling that. I would report your manager to corporate 75 Reply Share • • • chaeartncos OP 14 hr. ago Thanks, in my employee handbook, theres no procedure for me to follow in this situation except listen to ur manager and respect fellow coworkers and customers. I come up with a response on the spot. 21 Reply Share
  • 07
    • airbornegecko1994 16 hr. ago Why are baristas treated like meat at a butcher shop that middle age men just think they can point and order? I'm assuming it was a middle age man because I've seen this exact scenario happen. It is so creepy. And your manager. "Come back tomorrow if you want to see me." Nope that. That encourages him to be even more creepy. ✩ 230 Reply Share
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  • 08
    • Oddgreenmentor 15 hr. ago I love how "No" is such a baffling and unreasonable response from service employees it's prompts an immediate apology from management. noise. that 39 Reply Share
  • 09
    youcrumb 16 hr. ago you don't owe these creeps anything. They are super wrong here, your initial response was fine! The booing customers are equally, and confusingly gross and out of order too. 124 Reply Share
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    Dipshitistan 16 hr. ago "Hey manager, you know that line you really shouldn't cross with employees, because it is an HR nightmare and an thing to do?" all-around "Yeah, am I approaching it?" "Look behind you."
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