Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. The relationship between your mother-in-law and you can sometimes get a little sticky. It's common to have strife and feelings of discomfort, but there are limits to how you should allow your MIL to act with you.
When caring for your newborn, it's your responsibility and right to parent the child how you want. No one can force you to agree to anything, and anyone trying to is out of their mind. This brings us to the Reddit thread. The MIL has been an obviously terrible mother to the woman's husband, and even he thinks so. She was mostly absent all of his life, but now that he has the baby, she wants to be involved. This is all well, except for when she assumes that she'll be babysitting the baby. The woman puts her foot down, refuses to let her babysit on the grounds that she was such a terrible mother.
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