It's good to have art in your house that will spark a conversation. You want what's hanging on your walls to say something about you, what you like, and where you've been in life. For example, my vintage Guinness poster says that I've been to Ireland and that I like Guinness. If someone had a portrait of their American Shorthair above their bed, you might assume that person was… a little odd. If someone had their Instagram selfies on a rotating digital frame on their bedside, you might assume they were… a little narcissistic. But these are all useful details to know about someone, so it's good to represent yourself faithfully.
Say you printed out and hung some memes on your wall. Then people will know you have a good sense of humor, you don't take yourself too seriously, and that you… don't have that good of taste in art. That's why the memes are best kept on Memebase.