Guy Goes Viral Trying to Figure Out What Mysterious Creepy Creature Spooked His Dog During Their Nightly Walk


TikToker @itsjoek usually posts fun videos of him and his cute dog Jamie enjoying life. TikTok is a great place for cute animal content. However, recently, Joe's past few videos have been following a creepy story.


Joe and Jamie were out for their usually nightly walk down the same trail they take every night. This time however, turned out to be different. All of a sudden, his dog Jamie starts acting kind of weird. She's freezes like a deer in headlights and then when she finally does decide to walk, she's trying to pull Joe back the opposite direction. As Joe stands there trying to understand what's going on and why his dog was acting so strange, an eerie feeling comes over him. 


Part 1: Jamie Knows Something Is Wrong


Instead of instantly following his dog's lead, he stands there and starts to record. In the video his dog Jamie is visibly very worried. She keeps trying to pull him away and when she's not trying to redirect her human she's pausing to scan the area in question. The dark skies and broken headlamp added to the overall creepy feeling of the situation. Like people shouting at the protagonist to “run!” viewers comment on the video saying he should trust his dog's instincts and yelling at him at standing there and recording rather than following Jamie to safety.


Joe says in the video that something is rustling in the brush in front of them, but it's so dark you can't see anything. Jamie is obviously very uncomfortable and trying to leave the entire time. Even the dog at the house on the other side is starting to bark anxiously and the owner of the house even comes out with a flashlight to see what it is the dog is barking at. The whole situation feels like a scene from a horror movie where someone is able to get murdered. 


Part 2: Returning During the Day


Nothing bad happened to the two, since the next video is Joe taking Jamie back to search for clues of what could've been stalking them the night prior. You can see that even during the day his dog is hesitant to go down that trail. Jamie hates it so much so, that Joe chooses not to even go down that trail again in order not to upset her. 


Joe responds to a commenter saying that he plans on going to the person who lives in the house across from where they were and ask if he ever figured out what his dog was barking at. 


Part 3: Nightly Walk 2

Part 4: Potentially a Pack of Coyotes?


Joe also posts a video of them hearing an entire pack of coyotes howling as the sunsets. Even though that's a new part to the mystery, Joe still has questions. “ I still think what we heard on trail was solo and much heavier than a coyote,” he says. 


Viewers are so invested in the mystery that they ask him to post the original video with no effects or sound reduction so they could maybe hear something or spot something that Joe hasn't yet. With this video, you can start to hear something that wasn't so easy to hear in the first post. Something that sounds large and stalking them in the brush. 


Original Video: No Effects or Sound Reduction


"Anyone see that like creature near the end on the left side of the trail?” one commenter says. “Dude I swear I saw something way back in the trees when he turns far left,” another adds. The mystery has yet to be solved, but Joe keeps updating and viewers keep putting their detective hats on. 


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