“Shady Boss lied about my position to keep me from policy-allowed benefit for years. I found out and it changed everything” —u/ClubWag

Not the best work conditions

OP finds out about a reimbursement benefit their boss never told them about

Lies upon lies

After years of dealing with a shady boss, OP looks for other opportunities

OP cashes in

Bossman faces the consequences of his own actions

OP's malicious compliance pays off big time

The comment section
Needless to say, the redditors of r/MaliciousCompliance were delighted for OP. It's not every day that a terrible boss gets what they deserve. Many redditors shared their own infuriating experiences working for lying, scheming bosses.
“Not to this degree, but I've had to deal with onsite managers lying to me about wages and benefits as well. Sometimes it was to make their own budgets look good. Other times, it just seemed to be a personal quirk that they had to grind down people under them.” Said u/Techgruber.
“Your employer is an ally of convenience, not a friend.” Replied u/HammerOfTheHeretics, “Always look out for your own interests.”
u/Barflyerdammit shared a similar story about when their employer used their title against them. “I worked at a company where Director level jobs got an extra week of vacation, but weren't eligible for annual bonuses. I argued all the way up to C Level that I should get the extra vacation. They argued that my title was director but wasn't really a director (even though I had the second largest team). So, I asked for the annual bonus instead. They said that Directors didn't get bonuses. 8 weeks later, I was gone after working there for 5 years. No one else in that job since has lasted more than a year. Bet that week of vacation is looking mighty cheap compared to the chaos that's been there since.”
“Life lesson: when a manager tells you they can’t increase your pay now, but it’s coming down the road, they’re lying.” Said u/02K30C1. Ain't that the truth.
Read the original thread here.