Animal Comedy Newsletter

TikToker Comes Home to Two Pigeons Living in Their Ceiling Fan, Falls in Love and Makes Them Their Own Nest


Most people who find wild animals have made their way into their home freak out. The level of freaked out-ness depends on what type of wild animal. If you come home and there's a bear sitting in your living room, you're most likely not even going to go inside that room before calling animal control. If it's a raccoon, you might freak out, but probably a little less than the bear—but you still want that guy out of your home. And many people have experienced a bird or two accidentally flying into their home and that is usually followed with a circus act of chasing the flying thing out through the window. But what if you just accepted it? 


TikToker @alexswaggzillaa has unofficially become a Disney princess when they came across two pigeons living in their home. When they first noticed the little feathered dinosaurs, they though there was just one. They started to think of plan on how to remove this guy and set them back to the wild, but then the TikToker noticed there were actually two pigeons. Perhaps, two parents just trying to find a safe home to start a family? Now, instead of freaking out and chasing these birds out of their home, the TikToker instead fell in love and sympathized for the birdy couple. 


"What're you doing in my house?"


It didn't start out this way though. The two birds had been visiting the TikTokers porch for some time now. They observed them from a distance and admired how cute they were and definitely decided that they were in love. They kept trying to make a next near the TikToker's door, which would've been very inconvenient for the them. So they kept shoeing them away from that idea. However, one day the TikToker came into their room and BAM the bird was inside. They have no idea how the bird got in there, but it happened. That eventually led to the two birds perching themselves on top of the TikToker's ceiling fan. 


“I guess I have birds now”

The Saga:

Making a Nest Box


The TikToker decided that they would try to get the birds to leave the inside of the apartment by making them a next box that they perched on their porch. Unfortunately, the last update on the birds had them gone. The TikToker said that there was some loud maintenance work going on in their building's pool and that might have scared them off. However, they're leaving bird seed in the little next they made for the birds and is keeping an eye for their return. They've fallen in love with the bird couple now and wants to help them create a loving home for their little birdy family. TikTokers are committed now to the saga and hope for more updates to come. 


Waiting for the Birds to Return


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