
Is it Jell-O? Baker Reenacts the Viral Fleetwood Mac/Cranberry Juice on a Longboard Moment, But with Jell-O


How can we forget TikToker “Doggface” getting us through 2020 with his chill AF vibes? His video of him just rolling down the road on his longboard drinking Ocean Spray's Cranberry juice cocktail with Fleetwood Mac's “Dreams” playing in the background really hit a chord with everybody during the start of an extremely difficult year. The Pandemic just started raging, everyone was stuck in their isolation pods, which sometimes was a person all alone, death was everywhere, the world was desperate, but somehow Doggface's video sent out a beacon of hope. 


Doggface Original Video


The viral-ness of this video reached insane heights. He got gifted a car, Ocean Spray hooked him up, the world was grateful for the moment he shared with the Internet. Many people tried to replicate the moment and had a fun. time doing so. Now we have a viral baker on TikTok bringing it back. She's known for her “is it cake?” videos, where she bakes a realistic cake that looks like it could actually be the item it's modeled after. 


Recently, she's gone viral for reenacting the Doggface moment. She's cruising down the street on a longboard with “Dreams” setting the chill vibes. She's holding onto what looks like a bottle of Ocean Spray's cranberry cocktail juice just like Doggface, but then she takes a big bite out of the bottle. 


Jell-O Cranberry Juice


It's not a bottle of cranberry juice… It's Jell-o. 


Though the video hasn't reached the viral-ness as the original one, it still has reached almost 6 million views. The moment still feels chill, but it's the curve ball of the Jell-O cranberry juice bottle that's really attracting the attention of viewers.




She also posted a video taking a slice out of the cranberry juice Jell-O to reveal that it is too in fact cake. It is a Jell-O/ cake combo. Really throwing everybody off! Many viewers are commenting saying they never would have guessed that the bottle was in fact not real if she hadn't bitten or sliced into it. Many also say the close up on the cap also gives it away that the bottle is in fact just a Jell-O cake. Either way, it's another moment being captured that is bringing joy to everyone who watches it. 


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