Animal Comedy Newsletter

Rex the Dog Becomes the Best Papa Pup When He Takes in His Family's New Kitten as His Own


TikToker Colleen Raney recently went through tragedy after losing a kitten she attempted to rescue. She found an itty bitty baby struggling in the middle of the street all alone. She took the abandoned baby home and named her Daisy. She tried her hardest to keep this baby alive, but unfortunately Daisy passed a few days later. It's not easy to rescue such a young kitten without a mama to feed her and keep her warm and kittens don't always come back from injuries like ones Daisy probably sustained on that street. 


The hole that Daisy left in this family's heart was huge even though she was only with them for a short time—even the fur babies in this family were heartbroken. So they decided to adopt a kitten. Introducing baby Casper! This sweet little grey fluff ball instantly connected with one of the dogs named Rex. 


Rex & Casper


Rex took in sweet baby Casper like his own son and now they are an inseparable father son duo. Colleen says they follow each other around all the time and Rex is very protective of her. In the video—that instantly went viral from cuteness overload—it shows Colleen asking Rex where the new kitten is. He looks up at her with puppy dog eyes and tries to be sneaky, but baby Casper pops a little murder mitten out from under the papa pup's head. 


New Kitten

Introducing the Fur Family


The adorable fur family is a perfect addition to the family at adds some much needed happiness. The loss of Daisy will never be forgotten, but Casper the kitten is helping the family stay strong. And the beautiful relationship that Casper and Rex have formed should be an inspiration to any father/ son duo, even humans… Actually, especially humans. Hopefully we'll see more content from this adorable fur family. 


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