

‘I got rid of it’: Flight service manager removes passenger's suitcase from aircraft

‘I got rid of it’: Flight service manager removes passenger's suitcase from aircraft

There are plenty of pros and cons to being a flight attendant. Let's begin with the pros, shall we? No management on the job, routes are pretty chill, and you have the freedom to explore new places on someone else's dime. Your schedule is pretty flexible. The travel benefits are pretty great, plus you get to meet a lot of new people. Now for the cons… you also meet a lot of demanding travelers who think they deserve to be worshipped. You work with new people, often. Days are long, layovers are…
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Traveler Gets Back at Obnoxious Neighbors on His Flight by Tying Their Shoelaces to the Seat in an Unbreakable Knot

To a seasoned traveler, flight comforts are sacred and everyone has their little rituals that help dull their mind enough to endure 8 hours of sitting in the same confined seat. Usually those rituals include a little bit of peace and quiet to reach a meditative state, but when you're sitting next to a drunken human toddler on a long flight, tensions are poised to fly high.
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'My employer wouldn't approve $4 above our rate': Company forces traveling employee to book a cheaper hotel, not realizing it'll cost them over $300/day in overtime hours

When employees attempt to navigate company budgets, usually they have to cut through an outrageous amount of red tape in order to get anything adjusted. Obviously, in the real world, budgeting is simplified with a little leeway, but when it comes to businessmen traveling on the company dime, if you're just a penny over budget, there will be heckity heckin' heck to pay.
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company travel jet-lagged traveling salesman sales sale work salesperson business flying plane flight expenses penny-pinching life-lessons class economy business-class

'The company saved £5k on fees, but got one day of work instead of five': Penny-pinching company gets taught a lesson when their traveling salesman is forced to fly coach

Bureaucratic bean-counting threatens every employee's work-life balance, for none more than the traveling salesmen of the world. To be totally frank, there's always a disconnect between the bean-counters of a company and the footmen because financial decisions are made in an office whereas the salespeople are out there in the trenches. The man in the field can see a bit more clearly than the man on the sidelines...
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26 Heartwarming Memes for Wholesome Hubbies Who Proudly Hold the ‘Best Dad’ Title (August 6, 2023)

26 Heartwarming Memes for Wholesome Hubbies Who Proudly Hold the ‘Best Dad’ Title (August 6, 2023)

Let's give it up for all the amazing dads out there
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airplane, airplanes, airline, airlines, united airlines, flight, flights, American Airline, Southwest Air, Memes, relatable, relatable memes, travel, traveling, air travel

38 Airplane Memes For Jaded Travelers Who Hate Every Airline And Need to Pass Time in the Flight Terminal

It's plane time
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travel, traveling, vacation, country, america, united states, USA, states, Florida, new york, transportation, tourists, tourism, Indiana, the south, national park, nature, desert, visit

Americans Discuss What to Avoid When Visiting the United States

Americans, if someone was planning to travel abroad to the United States, what advice would you give them? If it were me, I'd recommend that they avoid tourist traps completely. If they were planning to stay in New York, they should avoid Times Square at all costs. It's expensive, overcrowded, and interesting for all of two minutes. Also, don't go to Ohio . That being said, I'm not a tour guide. I can speak for where I've lived and that’s only three states. I don't know the first thing about Fl…
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Update: 'I said, "Guess I’m not a team player"': Boss floods security guard employee with texts and emails while she's on vacation, employee brings in HR

Update: 'I said, "Guess I’m not a team player"': Boss floods security guard employee with texts and emails while she's on vacation, employee brings in HR

It would take a lot for you to block your boss's phone number , but this woman had to do exactly that. Her boss just wouldn't leave her be as he tried his hardest to interrupt her vacation time . U/Pinkyrye shared her story to r/AmItheA**hole, and she provided several updates on her situation as well. Despite working at her security guard job for six years, her boss still gave her a hard time about taking five days of vacation time. Some places really are stingy with time off, paid or unpaid. I…
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Girl Waits at the Airport for Her Long-Distance Boyfriend but Heartache Ensues When He's a 'No Show'; Turns Out She Was Just at the Wrong Terminal (Video)

Long distance love is letting the intrusive thoughts win
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'We as Americans need to address our allergic reaction to walking': U.S. Tourist Goes to Italy's Amalfi Coast, Gets Roasted for Complaining About Traveling There

Always do vacation research
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bathrooms, twitter, bed, hotel, restroom, travelling, Airbnb, bathroom, tweets, Travel, hotels, funny tweets, bedroom, traveling, beds, tweet, funny twitter, restroom

Unfortunate Traveler Finds His Airbnb is Just a Large Bathroom With a Bed Inside

What kind of prison cell...
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'The total is now $42,000': Funding department asks employees to share hotel rooms and cars to save money, instead costs the company thousands of dollars

'The total is now $42,000': Funding department demands employees share hotel rooms and cars to save money, instead costs the company thousands of dollars

This employee was trying to arrange a trip as quickly as possible, only to be slowed down by another department. As if travel planning wasn't difficult enough, this person had to deal with their funding department trying to make everything cheaper. Some coworkers think they know better than everyone — to the point that they think they can do your job better than you. It's especially infuriating when the coworker has a different job than yours, but still thinks they know your specialty better th…
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20+ Memes for Lone Rangers Walking the Road Less Traveled

20+ Memes for Lone Rangers Walking the Road Less Traveled

Tee hee ha
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Update: 'She saw my post': Mother of triplets asks brother to babysit during their entire family vacation, finds brother's post about her

Update: 'She saw my post': Mother of triplets guilts brother into babysitting during family vacation, flips out when he changes plans

Family vacations are supposed to be fun for the whole family, not just a few members. But this mother wasn't too concerned about the feelings of the rest of her family, so long as she got a break for herself. Vacations are so great when you're a kid. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the trip! Your parents will take care of all the planning, booking, transportation, and meals, and you just get to run around the beach or an amusement park to your heart's content. This 23-year-old is reali…
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25+ Goofballs who couldn't help but have fun with statues

25+ Goofballs who couldn't help but have fun with statues

Some people can't take anything seriously . We call these folks the kind you “can't take anywhere” — and honestly, they are usually really fun to be around. The folks below certainly had a blast playing around with statues. Most statues are there for a serious reason, highlighting a person who made great strides in their career field or added great value to the world through humanitarian efforts. They aren't just at museums. You can find statues all over the place , from parks to malls to libra…
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cars, race cars, automobile, travel, fast, Fast and Furious, Driving, cool, cool accessories, speed, speeding, mechanic

Funniest Car Memes for Automobile Aficionados

Like it or not, gaining access to a car is a right of passage. It expresses a lot more than your first, unfettered chance to operate a massive object at a high speed throughout your area as a 16-year-old. It's beyond the danger of it. Getting a car is getting your first taste of full-on freedom as a teenager. Although you shouldn't, you could literally go anywhere, at anytime as long as you had the gas money. Here's hoping you were considerate to your protective parents, but the IDEA that you c…
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