

AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

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'You owe them zip': Employee sends biting reply to boss who withheld PTO payout

Great text fodder
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'We're not friends anymore': 25+ Horrible house guests who will never be invited back

'We're not friends anymore': 25+ Horrible house guests who will never be invited back

What is the one thing someone could do to ensure they'd never get an invite from you again? These folks were faced with that question after hosting some very impolite people. It doesn't matter if it's an unstoppable little toddler or a badly-behaved party-animal adult, when that person crosses the line, they won't be allowed back. Count yourself lucky if you've never had a terrible guest visit your home. That definitely happens from time to time. Some people shared that they hosted parties, onl…
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25+ signs that couples are going to break up: 'Couples who post about how much they love each other on social media -[always] break up'

25+ signs that couples are going to break up: 'Couples who post about how much they love each other on social media [always] break up'

It's never easy to spot red flags when you're actually looking for them. Often, we see them in hindsight or when it's far too late. What gets in the way of catching these obvious signs? Tunnel vision, social pressures to be in a serious relationship, or perhaps the other person is legitimately a convincing pathological liar. Here's the thing to remember if you think this applies to you or a close friend: ignorance is actually not bliss. The illusion of happiness and stability is still just an i…
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Bride-To-Be Seeks Bridesmaid Gift Advice From Women Who Already Tied the Knot in an Attempt to Be Practical and Gift Savvy on Her Big Day

Bride-To-Be Seeks Bridesmaid Gift Advice From Women Who Already Tied the Knot in an Attempt to Be Practical and Gift Savvy on Her Big Day

Planning a wedding takes a lot of work. Eventually, it becomes unfeasible to keep up with the extensive list of things that require immediate attention. One task that often goes unnoticed, or at the very least put off until the very last minute, is getting gifts for the bridesmaids who have devoted their time and energy to making your big day even more memorable. In the post below, a blushing soon-to-be bride asks her fellow Redditors what constitutes a meaningful bridesmaid present. Naturally,…
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'The disappointment was palpable in the entire stadium': 20+ Concertgoers tell all about the worst shows they've ever attended

'The disappointment was palpable in the entire stadium': 20+ Concertgoers tell all about the worst shows they've ever attended

‘the crowd started throwing things’
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15+ Top 'I Told You So' Moments: 'I told my ex-wife's new husband she's a cheater [...] Forward 5 years, they're divorced'

15+ Top 'I Told You So' Moments: 'I told my ex-wife's new husband she's a cheater [...] Forward 5 years, they're divorced'

Every so often, you find yourself in a situation where you call a specific outcome from a mile away. This can be a friend's future divorce, a coworker getting fired, or an infuriating neighbor getting their overdue comeuppance. When these outcomes finally come to fruition, it can be oh so tempting to blurt out, “I told you so.” Of course, this kind of sassy remark is almost never constructive, but sometimes, you just can't help yourself. As I always say, if everyone in the world listened to me,…
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'I took a video of me dancing on his desk': 20+ Hilarious quitting stories

'I took a video of me dancing on his desk': 20+ Hilarious quitting stories

A good old-fashioned dramatic quitting can really boost morale. When times are already rough at the workplace, watching someone quit with flair can feel so righteous. Most people don't quit on the spot. Even if it seems like they're doing that, usually the resentment has been building for some time. There's that common saying that people don't quit bad jobs, they leave due to bad management. Over time, having a micromanaging boss or a supervisor who continually berates you really wears an emplo…
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‘Your Wedding, Your Choice’ : An Empowered Bride Removes Father Who Ruined Her Childhood From Wedding Causing Family Feud

‘Your Wedding, Your Choice’ : An Empowered Bride Removes Father Who Ruined Her Childhood From Wedding Causing Family Feud

A courageous decision.
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'Invest in DVDs': 30+ Pieces of bad advice

'Invest in DVDs': 30+ Pieces of bad advice

These people thought they were getting good advice , only to realize years later how wrong the advice was. Relying on trusted friends and family members is how many people get through life. Of course, you trust the judgment of your mom or your best friend… but they aren't always right. Sometimes well-meaning bits of advice can totally miss the mark. Just because dad can dole out some advice that his father gave him in the 1970s, doesn't mean that's useful in today's day and age. Thanks, but no…
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'I think both are just trying to overpower the other one at this point': Wife wants to name daughter 'hippy name,' is shut down by traditionalist husband

What's in a name?
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'Poor Miss Uptight': Guy pranks coworker, gets roasted in the comments

'Poor Miss Uptight': Guy pranks coworker, gets roasted in the comments

In every office, there is at least one uptight coworker and one coworker who thinks he's a good guy but is a total devil. The former example can certainly be annoying and frustrating at times, but it's par for the course in a workplace environment. However, the latter is a wildly toxic presence that often needs to be excised immediately. With this story , we have a prankster who shared his “win” against an uptight coworker, only to get completely roasted in the comments section. Most folks joke…
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'I worked at a pizza place and I got a complaint that we delivered sushi': 20+ fast food workers share their worst customer service experiences

'I worked at a pizza place and I got a complaint that we delivered sushi': 20+ fast food workers share their worst customer service experiences

Everyone has to deal with a considerable amount of nonsense at work, but these fast food workers likely have you beat. Whether it's poor management or disruptive Karens or other ungrateful customers, these heroes have seen the full range of the human experience at these establishments. Some of these stories range from bad drive-thru encounters to angry phone calls from anonymous customers. From McDonald's to Panda Express, every fast food spot seems to attract families with screaming children,…
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'She invited all of her previous husbands because she enjoys drama': 15+ Wedding guests tell the funniest and most awkward wedding-day dramas they've ever witnessed

You can't expect everything to go 100% perfectly at a wedding. It seems like every couple has at least one funny story from their special day . They may not find it funny in the moment, but their guests will never forget it. Some moments are funny because it's not appropriate to giggle during the wedding ceremony. Everyone is trying really hard to be serious and solemn, so when anything remotely silly happens, the audience just bursts out laughing. Later at the reception, people imbibe a little…
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'This is going on your permanent record': 20+ lies kids were told by their parents and teachers

'This is going on your permanent record': 20+ lies kids were told by their parents and teachers

Sure, it's true that kids will do and say crazy things, but let's take a look at all the crazy things parents and teachers say to them. Perhaps craziness begets craziness. After all, and this will annoy all the anti-musical theater folks out there, but it was Stephen Sondheim who said “children will listen.” If you tell an impressionable eight year old that toilets are evil creatures trying to swallow you whole, that eight year old may very well believe you. And what happens when they believe y…
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reddit thread, reddit, people, stupid people, rude, impolite, why, behavior, manners, askreddit, mildly infuriating

'Giving any sort of unsolicited advice': 20+ disrespectful things that people don't realize are bad

Some self-awareness, please
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30 Wedding Guests Share Their Most Jaw-Dropping Wedding Stories

There is so much time and effort that goes into planning a wedding to ensure it's the perfect day. However, sometimes there are outside factors, such as weather, vendor issues, or even crazy relatives, that you can't control the outcome of. Sometimes, the most outlandish sequences of events occur that you couldn't have even fathomed happening.
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