
choosing beggar

'This is MY stall!': Karen tries to kick someone out of a public bathroom stall, starts shaking the stall and making a scene

'This is MY stall!': Karen tries to kick someone out of a public bathroom stall, starts shaking the stall and making a scene

Some Karens may run their homes, and others may run businesses, but no Karen owns the public bathroom of a local mall. Somehow, this entitled lady seemed to think otherwise despite the current occupant of said public bathroom stall. This Redditor was doing her business when the Karen came knocking on the stall door and tapping her heels impatiently. OP told Karen there were plenty of other empty stalls for her to use, and there were. However, this Karen simply could not be bothered and refused…
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Woman files HR complaint, alleging racial discrimination after coworker refuses to swap lunches

'Give me your lunch! Or else!': Woman files HR complaint, alleging racial discrimination after coworker refuses to swap lunches

In the cutthroat world of office politics, where the water cooler gossip flows as freely as the coffee, one woman found herself at the center of an absurd controversy. Meet our protagonist, a passionate home chef with a knack for whipping up delectable dishes from scratch. When asked about her daily lunch, she'd occasionally share with coworkers, but always on her own terms. One fateful day, a coworker made an offer she couldn't refuse: a baloney and mayonnaise sandwich in exchange for her cove…
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'I AM NOT paying those kind of prices!': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 23, 2023)

'I AM NOT paying those kinds of prices!': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 23, 2023)

Everyone has standards, but sometimes you have to be willing to forgo them. If you're in a desperate situation, it's not the time to start making demands, nor is it the time to be difficult. If you're having trouble getting what you need, there is a good chance that the situation boils down to you being the problem (as Taylor Swift would say). Recently, I found myself needing to travel to another state for a wedding but not being able to afford the astronomical flight prices. I found myself des…
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customer service server waiter customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service tales from your server service industry choosing beggar - 22308101

'Three cop cars pulled in and surrounded them': Cheap couple gets cops called on them for refusing to pay for a $9 salad bar

How much trouble is it worth going through to avoid paying for a couple of leaves of lettuce? Is it worth a run-in with the police that could possibly see you arrested and sent to prison, all because you didn't want to pay $9 for your salad after complaining about the toughness of your steak? From there, you'll be forced to plan a daring means of escape. By day, you'll see yourself unwittingly participating in and then dismantling the operations of the corrupt warden running the prison while sp…
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law school landlord housing Legal Woes rental job malicious compliance legal tenant client landlords case workplace volunteer home law choosing beggar - 22164229

'Get me what I am entitled to or I will do it myself': Law school stops representing tenant who demands 2 free months of rent, flips out on 'totally useless' volunteer legal rep

This choosing beggar finally got what she asked for. As a student, u/Zelmung got some real-world experience at their law school's student program. The OP shares that the service offered people free legal advice, while the student volunteers helped guide their clients through the process. That is a win-win — people in need can find resources, and students can gain insight into the logistics of a case. But as the OP found out, you can't pick your clients. They need help, and they come to the law…
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'This is free, right?': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 10, 2023)

'This is free, right?': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 10, 2023)

There are people in this world who have found a way to be simultaneously desperate and demanding. Whether it's negotiating a purchase or severely underpaying someone, the choosing beggars of the world still always manage to find ways to surprise us here at FAIL Blog. You always think you've seen it all until someone offers to pay a babysitter less than $3 an hour. It can be difficult to call choosing beggars out on their nonsense. Firstly, you have to be stern and confident. You have to know th…
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'I want you to give it to me': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 23, 2023)

'I want you to give it to me': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 23, 2023)

One of these days, it'd be nice to step into the shoes of a real-life choosing beggar. Before you judge me, hear me out. As someone with very little audacity, it would be a fulfilling experience just to walk in someone else's shoes for a day and feel entitled to everything I wanted. I'm not saying I'd like to live like this for the rest of my life. If I did, I'd probably end up alone, embittered, and with no friends. However, just for a day, I want to know what it's like to walk into a room and…
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choosing beggars work workplace choosing beggar wedding party drama wedding drama bridesmaids sisters friends wedding - 21848837

'That weekend [...] doubles as our vacation': Bridesmaid wants to bring her boyfriend to bachelorette party at bride's sister's expense

Ladies… leave the fellas at home—really. And this statement applies to anyone prone to bringing their partners to traditionally spouseless events. It doesn't matter if you're attached at the hip for every waking moment of your life; otherwise, when it comes to something like a bachelor or bachelorette party, your spouse should not be involved. Leave the ol' boy at home and go have a night out on the town with the girls. This really shouldn't be a conversation in the first place, but—if it comes…
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neighbors drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories Bad Neighbor choosing beggar neighbor - 21640965

'Who butchered my lawn': Insufferable 'choosing beggar' complains after neighbor mows his lawn for free

There's nothing more blood boiling than when you go out of your way to do a favor for someone only for them to have the audacity to correct you—even ridicule you—over how it was done. Somehow, a simple thanks for act in itself isn't enough, and some complex ego jiu-jitsu leads them to feel it necessary to belittle you and your act of service in order to bring themselves back up to being “better than” you in their own minds. Anyone who thinks or acts like this should just do it themselves or pay…
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karens choosing beggars wedding karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit funny karen entitled people choosing beggar - 21457925

Top 10 Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 20, 2023)

Desperate times may call for desperate measures, but some of these choosing beggars are really reaching...
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'AITA for choosing our family dog over a friend hard on his luck?': Choosing beggar friend asks for a place to stay, demands family get rid of their dog first

'AITA for choosing our family dog over a friend hard on his luck?': Choosing beggar friend asks for a place to stay, demands family get rid of their dog first

Beggars shouldn't be choosers—and when you find yourself down on your luck or in a desperate situation, you probably shouldn't be making demands about how those who are willing to offer you support provide that support. There is nothing in this world more wholesome than receiving support from friends, family–even complete strangers—in a desperate time of need. A selfless act of support, willingly given, says more than words ever could and is often essential for making sure that you come out the…
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20+ Irresponsible Financial Decisions Broke Folks Made

20+ Irresponsible Financial Decisions Broke Folks Made

We all know what it's like to want nice things but to not have the means to purchase them responsibly. It could be as big as a certain pop star's highly in-demand concert tickets or as small as ordering from Grubhub. Regardless of the situation, we all know what the mental process is like when you want to buy something you really can't afford. And trust me, if there's one thing I'm qualified to talk about, it's living above my means, First, you start to sweat in areas you didn't think you could…
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Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 4, 2023)

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 4, 2023)

Happy Fourth of July to everyone except the choosing beggars of the world!
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'It is not possible to do what you actually wanted in three hours': Choosing beggar tries to trash auto shop online, owner reacts

'It is not possible to do what you actually wanted in three hours': Choosing beggar tries to trash auto shop online, owner reacts

Pretty sure the owner's response was not exactly what this student was expecting.
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karens Music entitled parents choosing beggars mother teenagers airpods karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit funny karen entitled people choosing beggar - 20980741

'We have a HUGE PROBLEM': Dramatic Karen demands her teenage daughter's AirPods be replaced with a newer model

The best part of the whole story is that the teenage daughter has absolutely nothing to do with this.
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'I lost my job': Influencer gets tattoo artist fired for refusing to serve her first

'I lost my job': Influencer gets tattoo artist fired for refusing to serve her first

The queue is a foundational structure of society. First come, first served—it's as simple as that. This serves as a great equalizer of man. Every person's status is one and the same when they are in the queue—all are equals and must wait their turn. If you refuse to wait your turn, you'll be That's all well and good, except people with status, particularly entitled people with status, keep looking for loopholes to avoid waiting in the queue like everyone else because they think they're better t…
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