

Cute is a subjective word used for describing small, pleasing and non-threatening features, typically found on people, animals, objects and even ideas.

26 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat in a trash can and one picture of a cat behind a sheer curtain

26 Silly Cats Who Found Purrfectly Hissterical Hiding Spots and Meowstered The Art of Cuteness Camouflage

What cats?
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15 pictures of a grandmother and a cat, 15 pictures of text, and 1 video of a grandmother and a cat | Thumbnail includes one picture of a woman and a cat including 'This grandma does NOT like her cat', one picture of a woman and a cat including 'I don't know how he gets in here.', and one picture of a woman and a cat

'I don't like him, I do this to everybody': Wholesome Grumpy Grandma Claims to "Hate" Her Cat, But This Purrfectly Adorable Video Shows That She's in Complete Denial

What a purrfectly pure-hearted relationship
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viral twitter thread and images about a handsome bodybuilder that has a tiny black kitten | thumbnail includes two pictures including an angry looking black kitten and a buff man holding a black kitten and one tweet 'sam @wifrieren u not scaring anyone bro' 'just found out this stupid cat belongs to a bodybuilder no wonder he tryna act tough'

Totally Intimidating Awwdorable Black Kitten And Her Equally Handsome Bodybuilder Owner That Prove Cats And Their Owners Really Do Match Purrfectly

A purrfect match
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27 pictures of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of dogs

28 Perfectly Patient Puppers That Have More Bling Than a Las Vegas Buffet

Rizz? They got it.
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30 Insightful Memes for Loyal Lovers Practicing Conscious Coupling

30 Insightful Memes for Loyal Lovers Practicing Conscious Coupling

Why not couple with some consciousness?
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24 pictures of black cats and 1 picture of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of black cats and one picture of text including 'Please show me your void's << get up and feed me » face'

25 Hissterical Examples of Hungry Voids Staring Back, Demanding Snacks, and Purrfecting the Ballad of the Bottomless Pit

The void speaks back, and it wants chicken
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viral twitter thread about a dog that sneezed out its cancer tumor | thumbnail includes one picture of a dog and one tweet 'annie... @MACABrebob ... my sister found out her dog had face cancer bc the dog kept sneezing out bits of tumor and when they went in to start radiation treatments the vet said there was no tumor left to treat so she must have sneezed it all out 6:48 AM - May 22, 2024 6.9M Views 290 12K 315K ☐ 10K'

Dog With Cancer Kept Sneezing Out Bits Of Tumor, Went To Get Radiation Treatment And Was Told That He Sneezed Out The Whole Tumor

A win is a win, don't argue with it
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viral twitter thread about someone returning a cat that was missing for a year to their family | thumbnail includes a picture of a black cat under a blanket and a tweet 'Magnum the dog @huskadoodledoo Guys you'll never beleve this!!! The cat we found yesterday and took to the vets has been missing for A WHOLE YEAR!!!! He's now back home and I've never been happyer to have an obsession wiv befrending any animal | see cos if I hadn't stopped to pet him, I wouldn't of noticed the 6:58 PM. May'

'He walked towards me and meowed to say hi back': Person Rescues A Cat That Was Missing For A Whole Year And Helps Her Reunite With Her Family

A happy ending
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aww friendship wholesome boss hilarious couple goals marriage adorable heartwarming spouse partnership cute relationships couples reddit thread Reddit funny healthy relationship - 26108165

Couples share hilarious instances when their spouse had to put their foot down in their marriage: 'I'm not allowed to adopt a raccoon, not even a baby one'

you know they mean it too
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video of a senior cat whose owner passed away getting adopted again | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat making a cute face and a cat cuddling with a woman

'No one wanted this old shelter cat' Whose Owner Passed Away, But Thankfully, She Got A Second Chance At Happiness After Getting Adopted (Video)

It's good to see her happy again
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34 Memes For Girls Who Date Guys With Green Flag Energy (May 27, 2024)

34 Memes For Girls Who Date Guys With Green Flag Energy (May 27, 2024)

Green flags > red flags
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25 pictures of cats sleeping and 1 picture of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of cats sleeping

A Cohesive Collection of Cute Cats and Kittens Purrfessionally Proving That Napping Is A Fluffy Full-Time Job

They take their jobs very seriously
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33 pictures of puppies and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of people holding puppies

30 Pawsitively Heartwarming Pupper Pics of People Holding Their Precious Puppies For the Very First Time

We'll never forget those magical moments
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viral twitter thread about a kid adopting an orange cat in a forest | thumbnail includes a picture of an orange kitten and one tweet 'Kuna @wryote About 17 years ago, I was riding my bike down a country road with my dad and heard meowing. I told dad there was a kitten somewhere but he was unenthused and left (). I walked through the forest looking up for a cat in a tree when, at my feet, the skinniest orange cat appeared. 6:05 AM May 21, 2024 10.7M Views 603 19.1K 129K 9K'

Skinny Orange Kitten Shows Up In Front Of A Kid In A Forest And Asks For Help, Gets Adopted After Heated Arguments With Parents And Lives A Purrfect Life With Them

A story that makes you appreciate cats and life
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boyfriend wholesome heartwarming spouse partnership wife cute partners relationships hobbies girlfriend husband sweet significant other healthy relationship hobby workweek work - 26052357

20+ Supportive Spouses Gush About Their Wives' Cool Hobbies

Hobbies are the secret to a well-rounded life. They are those activities that we make time for, not because we have to, but simply because we want to. Whether it's getting lost in a novel, tending to a garden, or chronic knitting, hobbies are a relaxing escape from the workweek. The best part about a hobby is that it can be literally anything as long as you enjoy it. If you need a little encouragement to pursue your passions, or if you are just looking to take on a new hobby, read these...
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Farmer Sells His Cow to Neighbor, Only to Catch the Beautiful Bovine Wandering Back Because She Missed Him, Forcing the Farmer to Buy Her Back Out of Irresistible Love

Farmer Sells His Cow to Neighbor, Only to Catch the Beautiful Bovine Wandering Back Because She Missed Him, Forcing the Farmer to Buy Her Back Out of Irresistible Love

‘She was his for about 7 seconds before jumping ship’
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