
funny stories

'My dad used to pay my sister and I $1 an hour to be quiet': 30+ Silly ways people made some quick cash

'My dad used to pay my sister and I $1 an hour to be quiet': 30+ Silly ways people made some quick cash

According to these people, you don't always have to work hard for your money . On a rare occasion, the money will come right to you. Every now and then, you might stumble across a job that seems just too good to be true. It's good to have a healthy dose of skepticism for things of that nature, but sometimes it really is the real deal. For some jobs, having an employee on standby is the only thing that's required. There's one industry where this is endemic: film and TV. For actors and crew alike…
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‘You're like a brother to me’: People share the worst responses they got to saying ‘I love you’

‘You're like a brother to me’: People share the worst responses they got to saying ‘I love you’

They didn't see these coming...
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'No one ever admitted to [it]': Clueless rich kids take shortcut, cause school evacuation in the middle of the night

'No one ever admitted to [it]': Clueless rich kids take shortcut, cause school evacuation in the middle of the night

For some teens, college is the first time they're out on their own, and it really shows. It's the first big step towards independence for many kids. After years of living with their parents, college freshmen suddenly realize they have to fend for themselves. A lot of colleges make this as easy as possible for the new students, especially for those who choose to live in a dorm. There's usually a nice cafeteria where they can get hot meals, and many colleges provide laundry on-site. Plenty of dor…
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funny workplace stories workplace-stories idontworkherelady manager funny stories i quit quit managers Horrible Bosses quitting - 24204037

'I quit well over 10 years ago': Worker gets called in to work a shift at the fast food place they left 10 years prior

It's a funny thing, really, leaving a job. One day, a huge part of your life is handling the trials and tribulations of your role, the emotional turmoil of navigating the uniquely terrible sociopolitical drama of your workplace, and the stress of your capricious boss's unpredictable reactions; the next, none of it matters anymore—you're never stepping foot back there again. Of course, the trauma and lasting burnout may take some time to rebound from, but ten years down the track, the very worst…
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'This girl told me how incompetent the receptionist was': 30+ Terrible job candidates who shocked their interviewers

'This girl told me how incompetent the receptionist was': 30+ Terrible job candidates who shocked their interviewers

How many chances should these interviewers have given their candidates? A lot of these interviewers were surprisingly lenient on their interviewees. Going for a job interview is one of those universally scary human experiences. Whether you're 15 or 55, it's still a nerve-wracking endeavor each time. You've got to print out your resumes, read up on the company, iron that business suit, and show up early with a smile on your face. If that seems like just the bare minimum for you, just read these…
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'My boss told me to write down everything, so I did': Employee spends three days writing technical document for micromanager boss

Micromanaging the wrong person turned this boss's day into a giant headache. Some people are born leaders. Others are pushed into leadership positions with no idea what they're doing. They need to make it look like they know what they're doing, though, so they figure the best course of action is to start bossing their workers around. What they don't realize is that many workers are already performing at the top of their game, and they're self-motivated, too. So when a manager steps in and start…
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opinion ask reddit workplace-stories-reddit workplace-stories school petty-revenge-reddit funny stories funny story askreddit petty revenge petty workplace funny opinions - 24173573

'She failed them all... they couldn't do a thing about it': 20+ Expert-level petty revenge stories

Sometimes you get back at someone in such a beautifully righteous way that you never forget it. Maybe you think of the perfect retort to someone's jab at you, and it gets a huge laugh. Or maybe, like these people, you come up with an utterly perfect solution to your problems. U/trexradar87 was curious what people's “best/funniest personal example of petty revenge ” was, and the answers are inspiring. Several people had to deal with lunchtime bullies who ate their food or stole it, and had some…
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'My friend got fired... for drinking the sauces': 25+ Baffling reasons workers got fired

'My friend got fired... for drinking the sauces': 25+ Baffling reasons workers got fired

As a manager, you occasionally have to let someone go. A workplace never stays the same forever---people are hired, people quit, and people get fired.
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'I was at a loss for words': 20+ Entitled people who acted completely ungrateful

'I was at a loss for words': 20+ Entitled people who acted completely ungrateful

Gratefulness doesn't come naturally to these people. Usually, people are taught from the time they're young that when someone gives you a gift , you should be thankful. Even if you don't like the gift, you should thank the person who got it for you. When they're five or under, kids tend to be brutally honest about the gifts they do or don't like, and it can be pretty funny for those around them. But when a teenager throws a fit because her parents bought her the wrong car? That's a whole lot le…
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'That's what you get for bragging': 15+ Tales of instant karma

'That's what you get for bragging': 15+ Tales of instant karma

Karmic intervention is coming for those who need to be humbled. Just ask the people who shared their favorite stories of the times it's happened to them. It happens to every driver at some point: you're minding your business, enjoying a relaxing drive on the highway, when some dude decides to tailgate you. Some folks just have road rage, and all they want to do is compete with everyone else on the road. It seems like there are a few different types of these drivers. Some are trying to go fast,…
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'She couldn't speak for hours': Student cleverly finds a way to get back at school bully

'She couldn't speak for hours': Student cleverly finds a way to get back at school bully

Who wouldn't love to get a chance to get back at the people who were mean to them when they were kids? It is unbelievable sometimes, how mean kids can be to one another, and to think about how they learned to act like that, and why. But still, as adults, you keep reminding yourself that those are just children, and you should take anything they do in perspective, even if they are behaving unkindly. Having said that, I would have loved to get a chance to get back at some of the people who made m…
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'I'd never let her forget it': Student's family eats their school project

'I'd never let her forget it': Student's family eats their school project

This is the newest version of “My dog ate my homework.” Apparently for one student, their excuse is that their project got eaten by their family! At some point while you were in high school, you probably had to do this assignment for your health class. Students often have to care for a fake baby as if it's a real baby. The fake baby can be an egg, a bag of flour, or, if you live in a wealthy school district, an electronic baby that cries throughout the day at random intervals. The project often…
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'My yorkie stole an entire block of cheese': 20 Pet owners share the worst things their furry friends have ever done

'My Yorkie stole an entire block of cheese': 20 Pet owners share the worst things their furry friends have ever done

These pets have been on their baddest behavior, and they have no regrets about it! Some pets are just blatantly naughty, and they don't care who knows it. Lots of cats are this way: they'll solemnly knock glasses to the floor, zoom around your home knocking furniture over, or leave unsavory “gifts” for their owners to find.
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'They were trying to peel eggs with a vegetable peeler': 40+ People who were stumped by common household items

'They were trying to peel eggs with a vegetable peeler': 40+ People who were stumped by common household items

These problem-solvers got creative with their kitchen gadgets and random objects. At least they're keeping everyone around them in fits of giggles. No two households are the same, so the things you find normal will be foreign to someone else. Even something as simple as operating a can opener or a toaster can be confusing at another person's house . Maybe one of the most common ones in my experience is trying to figure out how to work someone else's shower. You don't want to push, pull, or turn…
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'[This] family had a couch in their home's elevator': 20+ Out-of-touch rich kids who got a reality check

'[This] family had a couch in their home's elevator': 20+ Out-of-touch rich kids who got a reality check

These kids are in for a surprising awakening after a lifetime of being sheltered. For lots of wealthy kids , money has almost no real-world meaning to them until they're out on their own. Some show up to their first days of college and wonder why their laundry isn't being magically done for them, or why they have to make their own food for each and every meal. A lot of them just don't understand the value of money. As Lucille Bluth says in Arrested Development , “I mean, it's one banana, Michae…
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'My art teacher confiscated a frying pan': 20+ Teachers who confiscated their student's strangest belongings

'My art teacher confiscated a frying pan': 20+ Teachers who confiscated their student's strangest belongings

These teachers couldn't stay mad at their students for long. They know all too well that sometimes you have to stifle a laugh when a kid does something out of bounds. It might be super funny, but if the teacher laughs, the kids will get rowdy . Teachers are always confiscating things from students . Some teachers take away phones if they see you texting inside your desk during class. Others have to confiscate paper airplanes, rubber bands, gum, and sometimes even food. All of these things can p…
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