

‘Back off from my husband’: Neighbor Woman Keeps Making Obvious Advances On a Married Man, the Wife Gets Involved, Causing a Rift in the Relationship

‘Back off from my husband’: Neighbor Woman Keeps Making Obvious Advances On a Married Man, the Wife Gets Involved, Causing a Rift in the Relationship

Time to crank up Beyoncé and have it out
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'This decision effects our entire family': Wife agrees to be a surrogate for strangers, risking her marriage and family life for $50k+

It takes two to tango
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Divorced Man Refuses to Buy His Kid a $1000 Gift, Defying Ex-Wife's Terms and Conditions

Divorced Man Refuses to Buy His Kid a $1000 Gift, Defying Ex-Wife's Terms and Conditions

Divorce is never an easy process, especially when children are involved. Youngsters are sensitive beings who simply yearn for security, affection, and comfort. Therefore, when there's a possibility that the children will be affected, life-changing events like divorce should be handled very cautiously. The story below is an account of a confused father. As a recently divorced father, the original poster (OP) is still adjusting to his new way of life. The child's best interests will always come f…
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marriage, parents, parenting, reddit thread, aita, mom, dad, divorce, money, stay at home mom, husband, wife, tradwife, prenup

Concerned parents fall out with tradwife daughter and husband after saving money for her in case of divorce: 'She felt we were rooting against her'

Child support wouldn't cover everything
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'Your feelings are not my problem': Woman Barks at Daughter-in-Law After Being Called Out for Excluding Family Members From Important Meetings

'Your feelings are not my problem': Woman Barks at Daughter-in-Law After Being Called Out for Excluding Family Members From Important Meetings

There is nothing more important in life than family. Nothing compares to the value of family, whether it comes from your birth family or your marriage family. That being said, how would you respond if you discovered a code word that permitted your ‘family’ to get together without you? The mother-in-law who is frustrated is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) came up with a unique code phrase to notify family members—spouse and kids—of an emergency and request a meeting away f…
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 Step-Daughter's Cry Against Unequal Treatment By Step-Mother Triggers Heated Discussion About Favoritism

Step-Daughter's Cry Against Unequal Treatment By Step-Mother Triggers Heated Discussion About Favoritism

Successes should be acknowledged. No matter the size or scope, one must constantly recognize and be proud of their accomplishments. So, what would you do if the success of one person seemed to eclipse the talent of the others? The story that follows describes the confused mother. The original poster (OP) is currently a mother of two daughters: her stepdaughter and her biological daughter. To put things in perspective, OP had only been married for a year to her current partner. The two families…
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‘Your fragile masculinity is costing us money’: Husband Denies Wife to Buy a Minivan Because It’s Too ‘Feminine,’ She Tells Him the Hard Truth

‘Your fragile masculinity is costing us money’: Husband Denies Wife to Buy a Minivan Because It’s Too ‘Feminine,’ She Tells Him the Hard Truth

Sometimes you have to say the hard truth
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A Family Reunion of Meme-In-Laws for Married Women Dealing with Monster-In-Laws

A Family Reunion of Meme-In-Laws for Married Women Dealing with Monster-In-Laws

It's important to first know what you're marrying into before saying “I do.”
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Entitled Husband Asks Wife Not to Hang Out with New Friends Because He Fears Losing Her, Internet Sets Him Straight: 'I feel like she would leave me if she had any other options'

In romantic relationships, it's important for each partner to be able to have their own friends and interests. And if they are interested in things you aren't, that's okay, as long as you are supportive of them. You can't forbid your partner from doing something completely harmless just because you don't like it. That is the perfect way to unnecessarily ruin a marriage, kind of like what this husband is facing right now. He took it to the internet because he's torn about his behavior. His wife,…
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Spouses Share Shocking Secrets They Learned About Their Partners After Marriage: 'He took break dancing lessons as a kid and won't show me'

Before you get married, you would hope that you know everything about your partner. Everything - even the bad stuff- should be talked about before you decide to commit the rest of your life to one person. Family history, past traumas, all of it. You don't want to be legally bound to a person you thought was someone else. But alas, that is not always the case. Just like in these folks' marriages, some important things came out after they said, 'I do.' Some of their spouses revealed truths that...
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'We're still together... But it was hard': Women Share Real Life Dating Experiences of Having a Partner Who Is Broke

'We're still together... But it was hard': Women Share Real Life Dating Experiences of Having a Partner Who Is Broke

“I think there’s something that goes on in a man’s brain when he’s broke that makes him feel deeply insecure and those insecurities seep out into other areas of his life and his relationship—especially if the woman is better off financially than him.”
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Bridezilla insists bridesmaid make numerous changes to her appearance so she wouldn't 'ruin her photos': 'Texts and group chats... [were] telling me I was being stubborn'

What's the most drastic thing you'd change to appease your bride-to-be friend ? Would you dye or cut your hair? How about covering up your favorite tattoos? Hopefully, your friends wouldn't ask you to change any of these things about yourself, since it's a bit impolite. It implies that the way you dress or act isn't appropriate for a wedding, as u/sinkydoodles found out when their friend tried to do just that. Why bridezillas always think that people will steal their thunder is a mystery to me.…
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23 Love Language Memes for Girlfriends Who Love to Roast Their Partner (May 15, 2024)

23 Love Language Memes for Girlfriends Who Love to Roast Their Partner (May 15, 2024)

To flirt is to roast.
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wedding, parents, parenting, marriage, teamwork, twitter, twitter thread, wedding planning, planning

'Just elope': Husband-to-be bemoans 'group project' of wedding planning with parents

It's a task
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relationship advice marriage break up partnership work wife discussion relationships husband advice couples significant other dating - 25942789

25 Spouses reveal the moment they knew they married the wrong person: 'First dance at the wedding, zero chemistry or emotions, it was a nightmare I’ll never forget'

spare yourself some heartache by learning from these folks' mistakes
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38 Witty Memes for the Bickering, Nagging Old Married Couples (May 16, 2024)

38 Witty Memes for the Bickering, Nagging Old Married Couples (May 16, 2024)

Bickering is a love language, didn't you know?
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