

tiny bats in tiny santa hats - thumbnail of tiny bats in tiny santa hats

Miniature Gallery Of Bats In Tiny Santa Hats

So freakin' cute!
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Most ridiculous things that kids asked of mall santas | i_live_in_a_truck 1d 1 Award 6 years old want be happy

Mall Santas' Most Ridiculous Requests From Kids

Got to be a true believer.
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video about the Tim Allen movie about becoming Santa Claus and using math calculations to show it would suck

Here's Why Being Santa Would Actually Be Endless Torture

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cracked video about the math behind the Tim Allen Santa Claus movie

Math Proves That Santa's Life Is Terrible

Maybe Santa wanted out.
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A very realistic Santa Clause drawn in Microsoft Paint

A Way Too Realistic Santa Clause Drawn in MS Paint

Ah, the lost art.
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Veteriniarians as a reindeer question on facebook and it gets bigger than that | Horse Vet Corner Maggie Knox have question our wonderful VETS only please. This is not an emergency by any means, and is bit unusual: My children are very concerned about Santa's reindeer getting laminitis due overeating candy canes, cookies, and carrots. Are caribou prone founder like horses been unable find any information on subject elsewhere on internet. Please delete this without thought if this question. Paula

Vets Around The World Responded To Kids' Question About Santa's Reindeer

Keeping the magic alive!
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Don't Judge Me, Jerk

Funny tweet that reads, "Quit side-eyeing my Santa hat. I once left my tree up til April."
Via anlyin
Funny Christmas tweets | tweet by BoogTweets Imagine finding lists with kids names and addresses some old guys house titled naughty and nice and not calling cops

24 Clever Christmas Tweets That'll Fill You With Holiday Cheer

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

funny comic cats christmas art reindeer santa xmas lol | comic of santa looking frustrated while sitting on his sled, speech bubble that reads hire cats instead of reindeer they said. it would be fun they said. next panel of the comic shows santa yelling at a group of cat pooping and napping in the snow. speech bubble that reads we do not have time to take a cat nap at every house
Via @amitliz_art
Funny and creepy Santa photos | group of teens dressed in alternative clothes posing with santa. u think u meeting Satan but u read sign wrong and now u here. creepy vintage photo of a woman posing with a white eyed santa

Moderately Satanic Santa Photos That Krampus Would Love

This goes without saying, but WTF?
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kids santa wish list funny ridiculous iphone gucci expensive lol christmas | note from daisy asking santa to stop adam sandler

Santa Has Got His Hands Full With These Wish Lists

The kids have spoken! And they want a lot. A lot.
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santa secret tweets funny | SoVeryBritish three possible reactions pulling name out Secret Santa: 1 Oh god no 2. Oh, okay 3 Who

Secret Santa Workplace Tweets. Enough Said.

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santa claus mall tweets | Exhausted looking old Mall Santa | Santa claus - Jessie @mommajessiec I can't be the only one making the throat slashing sign at the mall Santa when their child asks for the newest iPhone. 165 8:16 AM - Dec 3, 2019

Mall Santas: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (26 Tweets)

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Parents share the story of their family's special Christmas tradition | Story about 1 family that has a transition from receiving from santa to becoming santa so that the whole thing is not a lie but a transition and an unfolding series of good deeds

Parents Share Their Family's Special Santa Tradition

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It's That Time Of Year Again

Funny tweet about a guy who originally promised to never lie to his kids, only to later determine that it is okay to tell little white lies sometimes
Via Painahimah
funny santa letters

These Kids Don't Mess Around When it Comes to Writing Letters to Santa

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