

Ever heard that men think about every 7 seconds, or 8,000 times a day! Well that's false. Men actually think about sex 19 times a day and women 10 according to current research/ Sex is something that binds us, penetrates us.... wait what? Anyways, Sex and sex memes, gifs, and everything to do with sex is all you'll find here and much more.

Collection of funny memes

28 Random Memes To Rock Your Morning

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People share stories of their worst ever NSFW experiences.

34 People Share Stories of Their Worst NSFW Experiences

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People share stories of their worst ever NSFW experiences.

34 People Share Stories of Their Worst NSFW Experiences

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People share crazy stories of the most not safe for work things they've seen at office parties.

39 of the Most NSFW Things People Have Witnessed At Office Parties

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Funny collection of dank memes about sex, pizza, school | Animal - if aliens aren't real than do explain croc circles wolfgrillz

16 of Today's Best Memes

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Funny collection of memes and web comics about dating, school, relationships, sex, rick and morty, ghosts, advice, sexuality, food, babies, mom, depression.

Lunch Break: 20 Funny Memes and Comics

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Funny webcomics about dating, relationships, life, the sun, birthdays, heartbreak, sex, sexting, movies, the internet.

11 Random Web Comics to Spice Up Your Monday

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Collection of funny memes about cats, dogs, animals, relationships, dating, friendship, sex, fashion, summer, masturbation, leonardo dicaprio, school, tv.

22 Memes to Get Your Monday Started Right

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Probably Because It's Funny

Funny meme about dinosaurs having sex, tyrannosaurus rex to be exact. the female dinosaur asks the male to pull her hair as she is bent over, he say she is trying. The joke is funny because tyrannosaurs have short arms.
Via memezar
guess what we just did - cover image to a list about people sharing that they had sex on social media

30 Idiots Bragging About Sex On Social Media

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female masturbation can open a portal to hell "yeah that's why I do it so much" - cover image for a list of sexual tweets

30 Tweets About Sex That Will Have You Gripping Your Sides

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hot girl gets photobombed by her giant black dildo - cover image to a list of girls who accidentally took selfies with sex toys

22 Ladies Who Failed to Realize They Were Being Photobombed By Their Sex Toys

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Women share the things they love about going down on men during sexual acts.

50 Women Reveal What They Love Most About Going Down On Guys

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Women share the things they love about going down on men during sexual acts.

50 Women Reveal What They Love Most About Going Down On Guys

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Funny meme about texting your crush at 3am - corresponds with image of Mcdonalds sign that says "thirst has no curfew.
Via girlsthinkimfunny
pornhub presents stats and trends and stats from 10 years in the porn industry | Cake - Porn hub 10 YEARS Pleasure 10 10

PornHub Presents: 10 Years of Trends From The Porn Industry

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