
Ever heard that men think about every 7 seconds, or 8,000 times a day! Well that's false. Men actually think about sex 19 times a day and women 10 according to current research/ Sex is something that binds us, penetrates us.... wait what? Anyways, Sex and sex memes, gifs, and everything to do with sex is all you'll find here and much more.

Awkward sexcapade sees polyamorous man unknowingly sleep with boss's wife and gets caught | thumbnail text - Beth (scantily clad) started preparing my usual leftovers and I was slipping my boxers back on when suddenly the front door swung open.

Polyamorous Man Unknowingly Sleeps With Boss's Wife And Gets Caught

Women Reveal The Absolute Worst Sex They Ever Had | Thumbnail text - "I started BURNING 'down there'. Turns out he had super hot wings for lunch and didn't wash his hands thoroughly enough."

Women Reveal The Absolute Worst Sex They Ever Had

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People Are Exposing Their Inexhaustible Thirstiness With The ‘Me Tryna Hit’ Trend

Woman Accidentally Broadcasts Hookup On Mic System For Entire Ship To Hear | thumbnail text - " I wasn't worried about being heard and I started moaning rather loudly and saying some pretty dirty things."

Woman Accidentally Broadcasts Hookup On Mic System For Entire Ship To Hear

tiktok thread about women giving analogies of how disappointing it is to sleep with men | guy? elimetri its like hoping you win the lotery. not winning end then having to reassure the one who did win the lottery. V•ew Lindsey Judd Ever GO to the store end get teeny good icecreem, get home get hyped that ur going to have it after dlnner. then your house catches on fire.„ Marissa Wilkes Creator im CRYING HAHAHAHA View v carsyn with a y it's like the moment you realize thet you just lost the game:

Women Provide Disappointing Analogies Of Sleeping With Guys

Twitter users debate how vampires have sex, vampire boners, lol, funny, twilight, blood, erections, true blood, edward cullen

Twitter Users Debate the Mechanics of Vampire Sex, Hilarity Ensues

Woman Hooks Up At Bachelorette Party, Ends Up Stranded On Island With No Passport | thumbnail text - "So here I was, stranded in Jamaica, with only $50 in cash and the bikini on my body..."

Woman Hooks Up At Bachelorette Party, Ends Up Stranded On Island With No Passport

Woman's Awkward Sexting Session Get's Shown On Family TV In Front Of Grandma | thumbnail text - "My entire family was sitting around the TV when a naughty video of my BF was splashed across the screen for everyone's viewing horror."

Woman's Awkward Sexting Session Get's Shown On Family TV In Front Of Grandma

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Tolkien Tuesday #45: 40+ Dank & Dumb 'Lord of the Rings' Memes

lines from 'The Office' that you should never use in bed | thumbnail text - it says 'bushiest beaver' I just want it to stop

Lines From 'The Office' That You Should Never Use In Bed

walk of shame tweets | thumbnail text - Trouble troubleinheels1 walk shame, but 's just eating leftover KFC, wearing night shirt, illuminated by light fridge. 7:48 AM Jun 29, 2021 Twitter iPhone

Walks Of Shame That Have Nothing To Do With Sex, Along With Walks That Do

Woman Stranded In Thai Jungle And Misses Flight Home After Hookup Goes Wrong | thumbnail text - The moral of the story is, no sex is worth a trek through a mafia/mosquito infested Thai jungle.

Woman Stranded In Thai Jungle And Misses Flight Home After Hookup Goes Wrong

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New Research About Conception Has Everyone Relearning Middle School Biology

Woman Gets Arrested For Having Sex In Public, Ruins Family Wedding | thumbnail text - "After a few too many margaritas, we found ourselves doing it on a lounge chair on the beach around 3 AM. A cop approached us and we ended up being arrested for a lude act in public. When I didn't show up to take pictures, a search party of the hotel ensued..."

Woman Gets Arrested For Having Sex In Public, Ruins Family Wedding

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DC Says Superheroes 'Don't Do That,' Zack Snyder Disagrees

Woman's Awkward 'Sexcapade' With Guy Who Finds Picture Of Himself In Her Nightstand | thumbnail text - sexcapades ridiculous tales of sexual debauchery...

Woman's 'Sexcapade' Turns Awkward After Guy Finds Picture Of Himself In Her Nightstand