

Warhammer 40K inspired space suit cool fantasy cosplay

Space Suit Engineer Creates Warhammer 40K Astartes Cosplay

Cosplay is art.
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Fastest moving manmade object could've torn a hole in a planet | RE tilthat TIL unconfirmed record fastest moving manmade object is manhole cover propelled by nuclear detonation high-speed camera trained on lid caught only one frame moving upward before vanished-which means moving about 125,000 miles per hour via

Tumblr Thread: Fastest Manmade Object Went Full Send

We went full send with that manhole cover.
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Wait, It's All Ohio? Always Has Been memes astronaut pointing gun at another astronaut while they look at earth from space | Why is every time open reddit s always three? Harry Potter Professor McGonagall | idiot, turn around. Wtf, where's earth? Oh.

More 'Wait It's All Ohio? Always Has Been' Astronaut Memes Because They're Perfect

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man uses radio to contact international space station

Man Contacts International Space Station With Ham Radio

Larry is a legend.
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Man's parody in hilarious Twitter thread challenges the moon landing | David Hughes @david8hughes Let's talk about moon landings. There's no way they happened and this thread going explain why

Twitter Thread: Man's Parody Hilariously Challenges Moon Landing

This is gold.
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funny memes, dank memes, astronaut memes, stupid memes | astronaut pointing gun at another astronaut while they look at earth from space chicken tenders Always has been Wait 's all tendies?

19 Amusing Iterations Of The 'It's All Ohio?' Astronaut Memes

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A collection of times that flat earthers logic was absolutely ridiculous | Daniel @MyFavsTrash Pearl Harbour had be an inside job, no chance japanese plane could have flown this far 1941. 12/28/16, 3:07 PM South Carolina, USA | fonzworthcutlass athugsdream can't go other way? fonzworthcutlass No earth is flat. This is basic knowledge. johnbrownsbodyy also appreciate logic planes can't fly over land.

Absurd Instances Of Flat Earther Logic

Words fall short.
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Spacex Dragon crew spacecraft astronauts give a tour of their spaceship

Astronauts Give Tour Of Their Capsule

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Funny dank memes featuring a sad man walking through a wormhole | Disney movies exist Main character's parents: Adios | my dad born: Adios

'Adios Wormhole' Memes Are About Dipping Out

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Former flat earthers describe the moments that they experienced that showed them the earth wasn't flat | TrungusMcTungus 3h have an acquaintance met Navy, who joined specifically so he could see earth flat while at sea. Every day he would chart ships location, speed, heading, etc few times day so he could make map their path. Ultimately he realized path ship taking would be impossible if earth flat, based on distance they were travelling vs their speed he finally got skeptical earth being flat,

Former Flat-Earthers Moments Of Enlightenment

Better to learn late than never.
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Tumblr thread of silly Apollo 11 quotes | Actual quotes Apollo 11 mission: Collins like enter Aldrin oatmeal eating contest next time Bruce McCandless Mission Control Is he pretty good at Collins: He's doing his share up here. McCandless: Let's see all just finished meal not long ago, too, didn't Aldrin still eating. McCandless: Okay. Does Collins: He's on his-he's on his 19th bowl.

Tumblr Pulls Some Choice Apollo 11 Quotes

Hey man, it's space who cares.
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military commander discusses ufo sightings

Commander Discusses UFO Encounters In Articulate Manner

Could be aliens, man.
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cats comic artist instagram space important lessons kindness love cat comics | KITTY on heck @WHATSUPBEANIE ROSA illustration of a child opening a door and surprising a cat while its eating

Artist Accurately Portrays Importance Of Giving Cats Their Space

Purrfectly done!
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space hamster quartet gifs cute aww funny | tiny cartoon hamster characters wearing headphones and standing in half a circle around a microphone | cyan hamster with headphones zipping open a pencil case

Space Hamster Quartet Is In Town (12 Musical Gifs)

Move over, Bongo Cat
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Funny dank memes from the movie 'Interstellar' quote by astronaut Cooper played by Matthew McConaughey about using black hole space jump, "This Little Maneuver's Gonna Cost Us 51 Years" | try show mom funny meme and she says hold on, let get my glasses This little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years

Fourteen 'Interstellar' Memes That Star Matthew McConaughey

This meme is about unintentionally taking the Great Circle Route.
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guy uses radio to contact astronauts on international space station

Guy Contacts International Space Station Using Ham Radio

Larry's out here talking to astronauts with a ham radio.
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