

Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

Weird and funny tumblr posts.

Oddly Specific Posts & Terrible Truths From Tumblr

The internet is kind of wild. At this very moment, all across the globe, there are people like you, hunched over their laptops and/or phones, trying to pass the time. Some of them are reading this article, too. The cool thing about this is that somewhere, somebody is typing up a super-specific sentiment, or a terribly inconvenient and cursed truth, and is about to share it to the whole of Tumblr . Sometimes these posts contain strange and warnings, like the first entry in this list, which invol…
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A compilation of random memes and images

A Mighty Stampede of Memes

I was never a person of the horse girl experience. That might come as a surprise because I grew up in Texas and everybody know that kids in Texas ride horses and cattle to school. But alas, I could never muster the earnestness and sensitivity that lives inside the heart of every horse girl. Horse girls are a social category that extends through the generations. Every one of us, no matter our age, definitely went to elementary school with a girl who loved horses and could not properly socialize…
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goncharov, francesca scorsese, martin scorsese, movie, trolling, message, daughter, dad, wholesome, tiktok, tumblr

Martin Scorsese's Daughter Confirms That Her Dad Is in on the Joke With "Goncharov"

The lie continues
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Wholesome moments of wholesome masculinity, internet, twitter, tweets, reddit

Sweet Moments of Wholesome Masculinity

With all the cringey incels and men's rights activists making themselves known both online and IRL, it's understandable to worry about toxic masculinity maintaining its grip on future generations. Many of my friends who have kids worry about bullying, bigotry, addiction, school shootings, and dangerous internet challenges. The world wide web has made many of these problems more prevalent. There's no way around it: being a parent is scary. Beyond those celebrities doing charity and making Instag…
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A compilation of funny and random memes

A File of Fantastic Memes

Do you ever think about how the most important documents of your life are probably locked away in some filing cabinet somewhere? If somebody put a gun to my head and asked me where my birth certificate was, you'd be preparing my death certificate soon afterward. There used to be a time when you literally had to print out everything. If there was a recipe you liked online, you had better print it if you wanted to avoid taking multiple trips to the family computer room while cooking. The printer…
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A compilation of tweets predicting and mourning the end of Twitter

The Funniest #RIPTwitter Tweets Prematurely Mourning The Bird App

This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but with a Pop Crave announcement. Last night, chaos erupted on Twitter dot com. Several sources reported that Twitter insiders claimed the public version of the app might not last for longer than a week. Since Elon Musk took over the company and began firing huge numbers of employees, the future of the website has become increasingly uncertain. Brands, advertisers, and longtime Twitter users began ditching their a…
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internet, weekly internet roundup, week, news, social media, twitter, tumblr, cheetos, rotisserie chicken, vr, gaming

Weekly Internet Roundup: Man Vs. Chicken, Deadly VR, and Tumblr Preps for Twitter's Demise

What's better than this? Guys being dudes!
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tumblr, twitter, funny tumblr, funny twitter, official, checkmark, blue checkmark, feature

Tumblr Trolls Twitter With Their Own Blue Checkmarks

A steal at $7.99
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tumblr, funny tumblr, funny tumblr posts, twitter, twitter thread, rivalry

Tumblr Users Anticipate Mass Exodus from Twitter, Begin Posting Cringe to Scare Them Off

They don't want 'em
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - azathoth-the-bored sir-david-von-templo homunculus-argument You ever had one of those friends who's generally very smart and makes good desicions, but whenever they all of a sudden get really vague and cagey about what they've been up to, you get the same internal reaction as you do when you're in the other room and hear the distinct sound of a dog trying to chew quietly. 160 notes'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Totally Relatable Memes

Tumblr animal goodness.
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A compilation of funny and random memes

One Meme, Two Memes, Red Meme, Blue Meme

One meme, Two memes, Red meme, Blue meme, Black, Blue meme, Old meme , New meme . This one has a little car. This one has a little star. Say! What a lot of memes there are. Yes. Some are red, and some are blue. Some are old, and some are new. Some are sad, and some are glad, And some are very, very bad. Why are they sad and glad and bad? I do not know, go ask your dad. Some are thin, and some are fat. The fat one has a yellow hat. From there to here, From here to there, Funny things are everywh…
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - notajerusalemcricket Absolutely not a new observation but i love that the toki pona word for animal, "soweli," is written like this wur fuck man that sure is'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Undeniable Cuteness

Tumblr animal goodness.
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Funny cute memes, animals and things, wholesome content

Wholesome Memes and Stories to Remind Us That Humanity Might Not Be the Worst After All

It's easy to log into Twitter or read the news and think we are absolutely f*cked beyond belief. And you know what, you might not be completely wrong. The world really does seem as though it is going to hell, and it often seems like there is nothing we can do about it. But one of the most clutch things about being a human is our resilience, and our ability to try to make the best of situations. Sometimes, instead of trying to tackle the big things like world peace or climate change, you need to…
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A compilation of funny and random memes

Random Memes With Some Spooky Themes

Halloweekend is almost upon us , and I, for one, and excited. I may or may not have gotten too many costumes (is three too many? three is probably too many), but at least I know I am prepared beyond belief for what this weekend will entail. The good thing about this Halloweekend is that I feel confident that this is the sole Halloweekend of the year. Whenever Halloween falls squarely in between two perfectly good weekends, that's when I get a little bit concerned. Last year, I went out to a bar…
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A compilation of nature memes for autumn

Nature Memes For Good Autumn Vibes

It's that time of the year when we're all thinking the same thing: what if I moved into a secluded rural cottage with the love of my life where we could bake bread and connect with nature ? Something about fall makes you want to be at one with the natural world, no matter how much of a city slicker you are. I want some leaves to crunch under my shoes outside of my rustic farmhouse, and I want it now! Nature allows your mind to relax and think about things in a whole new way. Nobody tries to sel…
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one a photo of a statue of an octopus fighting a rook and one tumblr post 'Plant - cnnbreakingofficial: 000 fuckeverythingbecomeapirate: IST. RETRP "Any ideas for the new park sculpture?" "How about a giant, metallic octopus attacking a rook?" "Perfect." that's cool as fuck though'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Awesomeness

Tumblr animal goodness.
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