

Was found in a pile of brush. No mother, no tracks, nothing... Each day she gets a little and little more brave. Just watch your toes. Only 6 weeks old. - hereyougobacon71

Rehabilitating A Baby Bobcat Is An Adventure (Imgur Posts)

Bigger and bigger every single day.
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funny pictures of animals in the wild thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a bird photobombing a picture and another of a goose chasing a human in front of a sign that says 'AGRESSIVE GEESE KEEP WALKING'

(Im)perfectly Timed Funny Wildlife Photos

Impeckable timing.
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story about an owl that was rescued from inside of a Christmas tree getting released back into the wild thumbnail includes two pictures including an owl inside a box surrounded by Christmas tree parts and another of a woman letting a tiny owl go and the owl flying away

Tiny Owl Rescued From Christmas Tree Is Set Free

A true Christmas miracle.
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pictures of cheetah moms and their cheetah cubs thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a cheetah lying on the ground with a bunch of cheetah cubs and another of a cheetah standing on a rock with a bunch of cheetah cubs under her

Cheetah Moms With Their Little Cheetos

Baby cheetahs cuteness explosiooooon
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twitter thread about little-known wild cats who are totally done with everything thumbnail includes two pictures of The Guiña a black fluffy wild cat and the tweet 'Bear - badly-drawn bee @soapachu 000 Replying to @soapachu The Guiña. What you get if you cross a domestic cat, a panther and a bear, but make it really small, because this one comes in at 5.5lbs / 2.4kg. Native to Argentina and Chile. O ENRIQUE COUVE, FAR SOUTH EXP 8:41 PM Nov 13, 2020 · Twitter Web App 394 Retweets 120 Quote Tweet'

Little-Known Wild Cats Appreciation (Twitter Thread)

Dangerous, but we wanna pet them anyway
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wholesome video of a lynx cat who adopted three kittens at the siberian zoo - thumbnail of mama lynx bathing the kittens

Lynx Adopts Three Kittens At Siberian Zoo (Video)

Be still our hearts
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story about a stranded dolphin who was rescued and released back into the wild in India thumbnail includes two pictures including people carrying the dolphin on a stretcher together and another of a man holding the dolphin about to release it into the river

Dolphin Stranded In A Canal Rescued And Released Back Into The Wild

A happy ending to a dolphin who was stuck for hours
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cats nighttime video funny wild animals aww cute lol youtube silly crazy antics

YouTuber Records Cat's Activities In The Night (Video)

Cats are wild
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WTF things said by teachers | mylifeasblue 16.5k points 4 days ago She read out my name and looks at and says parents named this?

Wild and Awkward Junk said by Teachers

Some teachers were... interesting.
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hogs pigs piglets aww cute boar wild animals adorable baby babies small

Attention Hogs: Ultra Cute Piglets

Give these hogs your undivided attention
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bear stuck rescue animals free freedom aww plastic container wildlife hero heroic heroes lake Wisconsin

Bear's Head Stuck In Plastic Container, Wisconsin Family Rescues It

Heroic and really bad*ss
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Strange, funny, weird and WTF images | a child hiding under the dashboard in the passenger seat of a car while a llama sticks its head in | woman taking a photo of another woman posing in front of a fake tropical beach backdrop

Dumb and Weird Stuff from the Crevices of The Internet

Yes, thank you internet.
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WTF and crazy things people did to spite their Ex spouse during a divorce | JortsEnthusiast69 4.7k points 2 days ago Once had boss who had leave his house 6 hours while his ex wife grabbed all belongings she legally entitled too he returned home every knob and handle gone. Door knobs, cabinet handles, drawer handles, anything screwed onto something and used open she had taken. Every day next week he would occasionally yell out "SHE TOOK FUCKING KNOBS"

Wild Stuff Divorced People Did to Spite Their Ex

Peoples' pettiness has no bounds.
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Pictures of wild animals taken at night.

Funny and Weird Night Photos of Animals Taken By Camera Traps (9 Images)

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buffet story about person filling shirt with chicken wings

21 Workers and Customers Share Their Amazing and/or Dreadful Buffet Stories

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history historical facts crazy

Expand Your Knowledge With These 16 Historical Facts That Were Unearthed!

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