Animal Comedy Newsletter

Husky Figures Out Sound-Activated Lights, Does What Huskies Do Best and Sings the Song of His People to Get Them to Go On and Off


Anyone who knows anything about dogs know that Huskies are the most vocal of the bunch. This breed will straight up have full-on conversations with you that almost sound like actual words. Haven't experienced that before? Ask any husky owner, they'll tell you. It's not just warning barks at the mailman or happy awoos when you come home from work. Huskies will march into whatever room you're in and sing the song of their people. It doesn't even need to be for a reason. A husky will just sit there and borkborkbork about whatever is on their mind like they're just unloading their day to you. You either love it or you hate it—there's no in between. 


TikToker Hope Brown recently posted a video of her husky making a commotion for a more curious reason. The video, which now has over 6 million views, shows her husky doing soft and loud woofs over and over again. Why? Because Brown put up some sound activated lights and her husky seemed to finally discover what that means… 



It's crazy because when he's barking it looks clear as day like he knows exactly what's going on. Other dogs would bark, see the lights turn on, and either spook themself or not even notice. This husky, however looks like he thinks he just unlocked a brand new epic superpower. And him testing out the volume of bark to use it absolutely brilliant. This dog must've been a scientist in a past life, or at least an electrician. 


“Husky dogs are smart… And easily entertained”


Viewers are amazing at this dogs intelligence. One viewer commented, “The fact he’s doing loud and quiet ones to test it is amazing.” “Imagine trying to sleep and all through the night is 🐶💡🐶💡🐶💡," another pointed out. Many others are commenting that he's probably just recently watched Stranger Things and he's just trying top communicate to Will in the “Upside Down.”


The TikToker and mom of the husky said that she was actually watching him do that for a long time before she even though to record him because she was so entertained by it. She adds that when she purchased the lights from Walmart in the electronics aisle, it did not even cross her mind that her smart AF vocal cute little husky would figure out how to voice activate them himself. 


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