We all have that one mishap that we wish we could go back and rectify but it's just too late. When you lay down to finally rest your head at night and go to sleep, you're plagued with the memory of that moment playing over and over again in your head like your own personal hell.
Well, TikToker Mark Polchleb got the once in a lifetime change to fix that embarrassing mishap. His personal hell was the home security footage of a DoorDash employee walking away from his home in mental agony. Polchleb didn't realize the man was still on his porch, and his dogs were going crazy. So he was yelling at his dogs to get away from the door etc. However, the Dasher thought Polchleb was yelling at him and tries to explain himself awkwardly and backs away. The man doesn't realize the Dasher thinks he was getting yelled at until it was too late.

Polchleb was mortified and losing sleep over the face of this sweet DoorDash employee just trying to do his job. So he posted about it on TikTok hoping that maybe the Internet can help him get his redemption. He tried reaching out to DoorDash, but the order was no longer live so they couldn't really help him (yet).
The Incident:
Amazingly, after posting two updates, Sami the Dasher was found! His daughter found the TikToks and recognized her father. She reached out to Polchleb to let him know TikTok did its thing and he has found his Dasher! But he wasn't only tracked down, the two were reunited and Polchleb was able to get his apology in IRL!
Update pt. 1
Update pt. 2
Update pt. 3: FOUND!
Then, DoorDash caught wind of the successful and wholesome redemption story and one-upped Polchleb. They saw how amazing Sami was as an employee through all of this TikTok viralness and made him a “Top Dasher” for life, which means he even got a raise.
Sometimes TikTok is a magical place filled with wholesome stories. The entire situation was so heartwarming that it even got covered by his local news!