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This might come as a surprise, but corporate isn't very good with money. Basically anyone who's worked at a company with a lot of money at the top has witnessed some absurd waste in their career. Sometimes it's flying the whole board and their families to one location in order to conduct a 5 minute meeting that could have just been an email. Sometimes it looks like an entire nacho bar that just sits there while you wonder why your insurance benefits haven't kicked in yet. And sometimes it's inadvertently finding out how much your boss makes and then thinking back to the time you saw them spend two hours at work trying to hang a poster.
Budgets, per diems and stipends can get messy. Especially when there are special little rules around them that keep you from spending money in a smart way. In this guy's case, he wanted to buy some groceries, but since it cost more than a single dinner, he was reprimanded for going over the limit. Obviously, according to the company, the cheaper way is to spend every single meal at a fancy restaurant. Duh.
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