Older women on Facebook are always doing the weirdest, most inappropriate things. For example, a soccer mom you met one time when you were 10 might comment on a photo of you at the club with your friends, or maybe a Boomer friend of your mom's will repost an article about haircare for women over 50. Either way, things can get cringy on Facebook.
On top of that, for some reason, women over 40 also seem to have taken over a strange Jekyl & Hyde type persona when the Internet is involved. It's like they don't ask themselves “would I say this in real life” before posting anything on the world wide web.
Karen's are especially volatile.
One woman harmlessly posted a photo on her Facebook of her dressed impeccably for a Gala she attended. She was obviously proud of how stunning she looked, and share the pictures online with her friends. Little did she realize, a hidden Karen was waiting in her friend's group, probably hiding behind her father's mutual friend's list from high school, lurking in the shadows and ready to share her unsolicited opinion.
Here is the photo in question:
Briana, the young lady in the photo, got absolutely demolished by a Karen, who immediately contacted her parents in a desperate attempt to get the photos taken off of the Internet. The Karen claimed that she was ‘deeply saddened and disappointed that Briana would pose in front of a Catholic church.’
She continued, ‘I suppose I really don’t mind using a church as a backdrop, but several pictures, appearing to show her legs, seems inappropriate. Would you pose like that in front of a Baptist Church? I don't think so.'
‘I suggest you take down these pictures with so much of her leg showing. She is a beautiful lady!’
Being slūt shamed for wearing an extremely tasteful and age appropriate dress to a Gala is a whole new thing. Poor Briana, who honestly appears to be a nice, normal young person just got chastised by some Karen she doesn't even know. The slit in the dress is honestly not even that crazy! She's showing a small amount of leg in a tasteful, totally wholesome outfit. Honestly the slit is probably just enough so that she can walk normally.
Would the Karen have been more pleased if Briana wasn't showing her leg? Was it the church that was the main problem? Most Catholic churches are beautiful historical buildings that people take pictures in front of every day, is Briana the problem?
Karen's cannot be stopped.
While Briana's dad never responded to the message Karen sent her (because who would honestly entertain a response to such mayhem), the Karen reached out a second time in a desperate plea to get the photos removed from Facebook.
Following up with “BUT SHE'S A BEAUTIFUL LADY” doesn't seem like it make this an appropriate response. Yikes Karen, take the hint. Cut it out with the holier-than-thou act, it's not a good look.
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