There's the love language of touch, when your partner expresses their love for you by grabbing your hand to hold or hugging you all the time. There's the love language of providing, that's when you shower your partner in gifts, but not just chocolates and flowers, but also things like completing their to-do list and helping ease their mental load. There are many other love languages that are just as important in a relationship. However, our favorite love language is the one of roasting. This is when you and your partner express how much you love each other by roasting one another. You don't just do this with anybody, you only do this with people you feel the most comfortable around. Saying "I love you" is nice, but you also need moments where you laugh with each using the only ammo you two have, each other. It's beautiful, silly, and intimate. You have to know someone really well to be able to roast them just the right amount—cause too little of a roast and the joke won't land, but too much of a roast and you might actually hurt someone's feelings. If this is your love language, then scroll on to the memes we know you'll also love below.
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