Group projects only work if everyone involved has to be accountable for their portion of the work. But as you'd know if you've ever had to do a group project, that's not usually how it goes down.
Professors seem to love group projects — maybe it's less work for them to grade if they make all the students work together. Some teachers will claim that working in collaboration with your fellow students can make you a better leader or communicator. College isn't like the real world, though. If you have a person in your group who isn't pulling their weight, a lot of professors don't care at all. As long as you turn in a project, they don't mind how it gets done.
At least in the workplace, you usually have some way to report a coworker who isn't doing their job properly. In a group project in college, someone can easily do five minutes of work and still get an A on the project, so long as someone else did five days worth of work.
This person, u/notABadGuy3, actually did that. They worked their tail off on this project, noting that alongside going to school 20 hours per week, they put in 200 hours of work on the project! This student is clearly an A++ overachiever type, and they were distressed to learn that the others in their group wanted undue credit for the project.
Check out the way they maliciously complied with this project in the story below. Then, this manager is caught between his boss and the outspoken employee who keeps saying outrageous things to the big boss.
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