Ah, the promise held in a Monday. Schedules are drawn up, to-do lists made, and teeth flossed for maybe the only time this week. At least for me, that's how it always goes. I make grand plans for my life at the start of the week and the rest of it is spent slowly spiraling back into my old habits. It's like the January of the 7 days of the week.
But I maintain that the attempt at greatness is as important as the greatness itself. You need to set goals, to be aspirational, to dream towards a utopia, or else we really have nothing. And it's President's Day at that, so we're all about dreaming big and making big plans. Mine aren't quite so… country-making, but maybe that's a good thing. You know what they say, "Think globally, act locally." Maybe the memes will help us get there together.