Small talk consumes an eternity.
For an introvert, the precious moments spent formulating a robotic response to futile questions that nobody wants honestly answered use all of our social battery. After our first how-do-you-do's and introductory questions with a stranger, an introvert has nothing left to give. Please, Trader Joe's cashier, I just want to cash out my groceries and go home–I don't want to discuss the latest sharp cheddar cheese recipes that you've read in the Fearless Flyer.
Lucky for introverted folks, we have ourselves to thank for protecting our social interaction threshold. Once errands are done and work is completed, the outside world disappears behind us and we can crawl back into our safe space with a good book, our favorite show, and a well-earned plate of food. We don't need to chitter-chatter with anyone but our own thoughts. Charging their social battery like a Tesla in a carport, introverts can finally kick back, relax, and melt into their favorite pair of PJs. Because here in our own home, our oasis of silence, introverts are safe from small talk, free to live out within a precious bubble of their own making.
If you're looking for your own peaceful bubble to reside in for the next few minutes, keep scrolling to enjoy a plethora of introvert memes that'll recharge your social battery on the go, at work, or in the sanctity of your own home.