Guys, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy did it. It answered the question that's been haunting us since the dawn of time. What does it all mean? The ultimate answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything… is 42.
Would you believe me if I said there were 42 words in that opening paragraph? Go ahead and check. The universe works in mysterious ways. If only 42 were an applicable answer in real life, besides when the question is, "How many inches is in 3 and a half feet?" or "How many orders of Chicken McNuggets would you like, miss? If only the universe were a simple problem to solve. Alas, it is vast and ultimately unknowable, and full of tiny little questions we will spend our whole lives answering. But in the meantime, we have memes. A merry diversion from the ongoing riddle of human existence.