30-year-old’s dependent mama’s boy behavior makes girlfriend leave: ‘She tucks him into bed for naps, I felt like I was the third wheel in my own relationship’

  • AITA for breaking up with my boyfriend because he’s a momma’s boy?

    "He was shocked and said I was jealous of his mom”
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  • I (28F) recently broke up with my boyfriend (30M) because of his relationship with his mom. At first, I thought it was sweet how close they were, but over time, it started to really bother me.
  • For context, his mom is very involved in his life. She still does things for him that, in my opinion, a grown man should be handling himself. For example,
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  • when she visits, she'll cut his steak for him and put the fork in his mouth, wash his underwear, run a bath for him ans help him wash his hair, and tuck him into bed for naps.
  • When she's around, he completely reverts to a child. He stops flushing the toilet, doesn't clean up after himself, and just acts like he's 8 years old. It's like all the maturity and independence I fell for just disappears.
  • I tried to talk to him about how uncomfortable it made me. I explained that while I respect his love for his mom, I think there should be some boundaries. He brushed it off, saying I was overreacting and that this was just "how they've always been."
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  • The final straw was when she stayed over for a weekend, and he expected me to cater to her the way she caters to him. I'm
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  • talking cleaning up after both of them, cooking all the meals, and even joining in on their bizarre nap routine. I felt like I was the third wheel in my own relationship.
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  • After that, I told him I couldn't do it anymore and ended things. He was shocked and said I was "jealous of his mom" and "just didn't understand their bond." His mom, of course, called me ungrateful and immature.
  • Now, I'm wondering if overreacted. I didn't want to make him choose between me and his mom, but I also couldn't see myself in a relationship where I felt like the side character to their dynamic.
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  • ThrowRA662849 What a bad day to have eyeballs girl NTA
  • Rare-Humor-9192 NTA. I got skeeved out just reading this. You made a good decision.
  • OtherwiseAd5075 NTA. That's not a "bond," that's straight-up weird. You're not his mom or his maid, and expecting you to play along with all that? Nah, you dodged a bullet. You deserve a grown man, not someone stuck in daycare mode.
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  • xadoraloveu NTA. Major yikes! That's not a bond, that's him being treated like a toddler. You dodged a bullet, seriously. Run for the hills!
  • pensaha Something feels slimy about it. Ick factor. What else does mommy dearest do behind closed doors? NTA.
  • abritinthebay NTA. Girl, my 3 year old toddler knows how to flush the toilet. Their relationship is seriously disturbed.
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  • Covert Pudding The part where he immediately went to you getting "jealous" of his mom says it all.
  • Velcromutant_88 I've heard of arrested development. This is life without parole.
  • babeinparadise1 Breaking up with him sounds like the right call! You deserve a partner, not a toddler who needs help washing his hair! Next time, just swipe left on the whole 'mommy and me' package deal.
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  • Anonymoosehead123 NTA. And good for you for recognizing the problem and having the guts to end the relationship.
  • IllustriousAd1028 Oh my goodness, you're definitely NTA. I'm back the heeby jeebies just reading what this woman does for her son. I have 2 sons (5 and 3 years old) and I already have taught them some of the things this last does for her grown a son.


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