Suave Dogs Going Viral Who Did Valentine's Day Way Better Than Your Partner Did This Year


Valentine's Day this year felt even more pointless than usual. With all the hell breaking loose in the world, it's hard to take a holiday centered around candy companies and silly little paper cards seriously. But you know what, we all need to feel loved now more than ever. So if your partner really slipped up this year and didn't treat you the way you deserve, then dump their a** and get yourself a dog.  


Dogs are loyal and will love you no matter what. These dogs on TikTok are going viral for the gifts and love they showered their owners in for this year's Valentine's day. What did your partner do for you? Send you an “u up?" text? These fuzzy doggos can't even text, so you're in the clear! Next Valentine's day, get you a fuzzy doggos that will cuddle you and give you all the sloppy kisses you deserve—like these suave pups did.



What did your boyfriend bake for you?

It's true, the way to someone's heart is through their stomach—dogs definitely agree with this. 


Did your partner forget the balloons?

This doggo is so hypnotized by this balloon, no way would they have forgotten to get one for you. 


These pups didn't. 

Again, dogs know that balloons say “I love you” and tied to their cute little puppy bodies really add an extra ounce of cuteness to the gift. 


Did you at least get some flowers?

Don't worry. If your partner forgot the flowers this year, this sweet golden boy's got your back. 


Girls want puppies more than flowers anyways. 

But do you really even want flowers anyways? A box full of puppies would probably be better. 


Did your partner get dressed up for you?

Nothing's worse than you showing up to a date and you're way over dressed—the pups were so suave this year though! 


Do they lovingly stare deep into your eyes?

Exchange that warm loving feeling by staring into the eyes of your sweet pup.  


Do they sing to you?

You don't need to understand dog to know when they bark their heart song to you it's all about their love for you. 


Did you feel special at all this year? 

Can't say this enough; dump them and get you a dog


Pups chews you every time.

This Valentine's Day doggos everywhere used TikTok to really show just how loyal they are to you.


They're way better at communicating than boyfriends.

Dogs don't even need to speak the same language as you to tell you they love you. 


And are way more romantic.

This pup really pumped up the romance with some rose petals and extra cuddles. 


They'll always be the love of your life.

These dogs really did Valentine's Day way better than any human could've. 


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