
TikToker Inspires Disgust With Grotesquely Sweet Coffee Creations


As a firm believer in letting people live and eat what they like, there are just a few exceptions to this rule. And no, pineapple on pizza isn't one of them. I'm mostly disgusted by people who are either wasteful in their cooking or creations, or people who do everything in their power to destroy the integrity of a food. This past weekend, Twitter user @Tosci_Marie alerted me to a major offender, one who manages to fall into both categories. She shared a video of TikToker @classyashley94, a creator who seems to share a lot of videos of herself making coffee beverages - if you can even call them that. 

As you can see in the video, @classyashley has a fridge full of creamers, syrups, and whipped creams that she uses to make a frozen coffee beverage - a collection that definitely cost more than $100. She doesn't stop with the sugary goo. She even adds cookies to the unholy mixture, which probably contains well over any person's recommended calorie intake. After @Tosci_Marie calls out the sugar content in her tweet, plenty of people lined up with their own reactions, which range from brutal roasts to financial concerns. Both of which, I think, are completely valid. 

This person wasn't afraid to do the disturbing math:

At the end of the day, we just hope her bowels are okay…






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