Most sons and daughters have experienced embarrassment fueled moments with Mom - but Pieter Hanson's experience yesterday will have most people feeling grateful that their moms don't use twitter. The 32 year old Navy veteran was busy with a marketing exam when his phone began blowing up. He assumed something was very, very wrong, and in a way he was right. It just turned out to be social media related instead of a family tragedy.
Upon checking his phone, it turned out his mother had written the following tweet, paired with a photo of Hanson in his Navy uniform:
"This is MY son. He graduated #1 in boot camp. He was awarded the USO award. He was #1 in A school. He is a gentleman who respects women. He won't go on solo dates due to the current climate of false sexual accusations by radical feminists with an axe to grind. I VOTE. #HimToo."
Pieter was horrified. He told the Washington Post that his mother's words couldn't be less true: he actually considers himself an ally of the #MeToo movement. Hansons's friends found the tweet troubling as well, saying that they know it "isn't him." It didn't take long for the tweet to inspire parodies involving pop culture figures from Guy Fieri to Eminem. The memes became so popular that Hanson himself made a Twitter account and used the copypasta to set the record straight:
"That was my Mom. Sometimes the people we love do things that hurt us without realizing it. Let's turn this around. I respect and #BelieveWomen . I never have and never will support #HimToo . I'm a proud Navy vet, Cat Dad and Ally. Also, Twitter, your meme game is on point."
While for Hanson's sake we are glad that his mother has since deleted the tweet, we are in fact enjoying these amazing parodies. Here are some of our favorite renditions.