

boss manager malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit engineering baseball Horrible Bosses engineer - 21912581

[We put it] right between two of the bases in the baseball field': Engineer told to blindly obey boss's orders, obliges, obstructing client's baseball infield

There are those managers out there who think that they know everything, refusing to listen to anything their workers tell them to advise the decision-making process and blindly following the corporate narrative or their own uninformed decisions to their downfall and folly. Workers placed in these situations might try to fix the mistakes of their superiors, repeatedly shielding their bosses from any blowback or repercussions for these decisions and even reinforcing their incorrect perception tha…
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malicious-compliance reddit software-engineer tech ceo boss manager screenshots screenshot fired quitting work work-drama

'I pulled up the screenshot': Boss tries to blame poor executive choices on his software engineer; gets ousted when their CEO discovers who actually lost their biggest client

Screenshots are king. These are the only irrefutable evidence that can shut down any argument in the blink of an eye– there's no need for anymore he-said/she-said, we've got all the proof we need right here. Usually in people's love life, screenshots can demolish a toxic relationship in an instant, but in the workplace, a well-timed screenshot can save your hide… and your career.
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‘He chucked it into their pool’: Retired engineer uses skills to get even with neighbors after reaching neighborly limit

‘He chucked it into their pool’: Retired engineer uses skills to get even with neighbors after reaching neighborly limit

These residents underestimated their neighbor, a retired engineer. As shared by u/soulslop, their father, who was the retired engineer in question, was not one to be messed with. So when his neighbor committed multiple neighborly mishaps, he got creative. This story certainly gives engineers a petty name, in the best way possible… and definitely will make people think twice before they throw their grass clippings into their neighbor's backyard. You never know who your neighbor really is… what i…
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funny-revenge-stories pro revenge WoW funny stories students revenge college students engineering top-reddit-stories the-best-stories-ever funny win engineer - 20783621

'They were awoken by a metallic BANG!!!!': Engineering students make bomb-proof mailbox to stop destructive joyriders in their tracks

A stoppable force meets an immovable object—the makings of any classic story—like Batman, only not quite . Well, in this case, you end up with a broken baseball bat and a couple of angry idiots who have met their match with an indestructible hunk of metal. Redditor u/AQuietBorderline posted this story to r/ProRevenge about a group of college engineering students tasked with creating a mailbox that was virtually indestructible. This is exactly the kind of thing that needs to happen when a couple…
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'I made sure the boiler was rendered useless': Tenant gets even with landlord following refusal to reimburse him for boiler repair; tenant renders boiler useless

'I made sure the boiler was rendered useless': Tenant gets even with landlord following refusal to reimburse him for boiler repair; tenant renders boiler useless

Tenant and landlord relationships can be strained, but when there is a third party involved, the simplest of predicaments can get ugly. OP was renting a house in Northern Europe, and his landlord was living abroad at the time, meaning that any mishaps were to be discussed with his landlord's lawyer, who was in charge of legalities. One day, OP's boiler broke, so OP contacted his landlord, but to his avail, there was no answer. After the temperature dropped to 7 degrees Celcius in his house, OP…
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Bill Gates said, "I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." What's a real-life example of this?

'My nephew outsourced his chores': 20 Lazy people who are also really clever problem-solvers

Lazy people know how to get things done fast. Whether in the workplace or in real life, people often assume that laziness is a bad thing. But in reality, it's good to take lots of breaks and take life slow sometimes. And we all should know by now that worrying about work too much can take a toll on your health. If you can do your work fast and efficiently, why should it matter how long it actually takes to complete your tasks? The stories below are so satisfying. It turns out that a lot of “laz…
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A video of an engineer trying to build real web shooters | thumbnail includes a picture of Jake Laser swinging like spider-man

Real-Life Web Shooters: Watch Jake Laser Attempt to Swing Like Spider-Man

Spider-Jake, Spider-Jake, does whatever a Spider-Jake Does...
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A Reddit story about a horrible boss daring his employee to quit because he spends too much time on hobbies, he quits and pursues his hobby sucessfully

Boss Tells Worker To Quit Because He Spends Too Much Time On Hobbies; Employee Listens And Pursues His Hobby

It's usually not easy to pursue your hobbies as a career. Most hobbies are hobbies for a reason, and that reason is that they're more fun to do than your job. Often, people work years and years to ever financially get into a position where they can leave their day job in pursuit of their hobbies. However, sometimes you get a golden opportunity to switch careers that you can't pass up. For Redditor u/the_anecdotist135 , this didn't come in the form of a competitive job offer or even a concrete o…
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pro revenge, revenge, reddit, reddit thread, customers, client, karma, clever, engineering, satisfying, anti work, malicious compliance, sabotage

Clever Engineer Teaches Shady Client a Lesson When They Refuse to Pay

Do you pay an engineer for pressing buttons or do you pay an engineer for knowing which buttons to press? Definitely the latter, and some people learn that the hard way, like the sleazy customer in u/AwkLemon 's epic r/ProRevenge story. They thought they could get away with tricking a professional problem-solver into doing a day of free labor . They thought wrong.
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engineering, labor, landlord, plumbing, funny, owned, reddit, reddit thread, malicious compliance, greedy, tenant, anti work, exploitation, slumlord

Greedy Landlord Attempts To Exploit Tenant for Free Labor, Gets Owned

Slumlords are exploitative by nature, and in this lucky redditor's case, not very smart. After u/nopanicprepper experienced a series of plumbing issues in their home, they notified their absentee landlord , who refused to pay for any repairs. Instead, the landlord “allowed” OP to do the repairs since OP was an engineer. (How generous.) OP maliciously complied, and to the landlord's horror, sent over a hefty invoice for parts and labor. Keep scrolling for the whole story.
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malicious compliance customers engineering technician entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19814405

'JUST DO THE TEST': Entitled customer gets into fight with technician and goes against advice, fiery compliance ensues

Whoever came up with the saying "the customer is always right" should be seriously questioned. In this instance, we have an intense conflict between a technician and a so-called “engineer” customer. This guy went against the technician's advice several times and insisted that the technician perform what he knew would be a destructive test. The technician shared his story via this thread on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit. He tried to explain to the customer that this was a mistake, eve…
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A compilation of funny memes about programming, coding, and programmers

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (February 26, 2023)

Being a relatively new programmer is like living in two completely different worlds. Non-programmers think you are the absolute dog's meow. They act like you cured cancer, achieved world peace, and are worth 20 billion dollars. That kind of validation for choosing a well-paying career path can feel good, but it wears off soon enough when you're around senior programmers . You feel like the most useless ant at the picnic basket when you're with guys who've been doing it for years. In that room,…
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Teenagers Build an Epic Heist Device and Unlock the Secret to Infinite Baja Blast from Taco Bell

Teenagers Build an Epic Heist Device and Unlock the Secret to Infinite Baja Blast from Taco Bell

These Baja Blast bandits know how to do the dew better than you
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I accidentally came across my senior engineer on an online video game, now he's being distant at work.

'I thought we were friends': Engineer accidentally catches boss playing video games, boss gives the cold shoulder

One dude asked for help regarding this super awkward situation with their boss, writing, “Honestly, if I wasn’t terrified of getting fired… I’d would find this situation funny [and] hilarious.”
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Update about company banning job hunters from reapplying for 12-months after failing 'personality test'

Update: Company Still Bans Applicants From Reapplying For 12-Months After Failing 'Personality Test'

When I was applying for jobs, I was a bit skeptical of any company that asked me to take a personality test before the interview. I understand wanting to hire somebody with good vibes, but isn't that what the multiple rounds of interviews are for? You would think companies might do such a test to understand someone's temperament and working style to ensure they're suitable for this position. That, unfortunately, is not usually the purpose. Although it's quite shady, many jobs that use "personal…
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A compilation of memes about engineering for engineers

Engineering Memes For Current & Future Engineers

I've got something important to tell you all: I am not an engineer, and I never will be. For those of you who are disappointed, I'm so sorry. My college major prepared me for writing paragraphs that precede lists of memes. I don't know what to tell you. If you're an engineer who thought that the people in the industry actually forge career-centric memes lists like these, I can't help but question your critical thinking skills—very liberal arts of me, I know. I might not be an engineer, but I do…
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