

30 Fabulous Memes for Anyone Fearing You've Entered the Friendzone

30 Fabulous Memes for Anyone Fearing You've Entered the Friendzone

Have You Been Friendzoned? We've All Been There.
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Brazen Roommate Tricks Their ‘Friend’ into Paying 2x the Rent Every Month, Gets Caught Redhanded

The heavy hand of retribution falls hardest on a parasitic roommate.
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'I almost did a spit take': Friend reveals to buddy's entitled girlfriend that her new tattoo doesn't mean what she thinks, sparking controversy amongst group

For those of us with tattoos, this story is our worst nightmare. Getting a tattoo is typically not a casual decision, often involving extensive research into the design, artist, and placement. Once you've settled on an idea, there's an expectation that the artist will execute it flawlessly since, well, it becomes a permanent part of your body. Have you ever had a tattoo that didn't turn out as expected? Well in this particular story, a woman's tattoo mishap is a seriously unfortunate case.
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20 photos of cats as friends | Thumbnail includes a photo of cats having dinner and a photo of cats on a skateboard

A Whiskery World of Weekend Wholesome: 20 Furry Feline Friendships Full of Furrever Feelings

Strong bond for cat friends.
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Doggo Enthusiasts Offer Sound Advice To Fearful Redditor Following In-Office Dog Policy Dilemma

Doggo Enthusiasts Offer Sound Advice To Fearful Redditor Following In-Office Dog Policy Dilemma

The practice of taking pets to work is growing more and more popular in this day and age, and it has many benefits for all parties involved—the pets, their owners, and other employees. First of all, rather than having to wait for us until we return home, the pets get to hang out with their owners and the other staff members for the entire day at the office. Additionally, the delight of seeing cute little doggos wandering around makes the office workers happy and uplifts everyone's spirits. But…
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wholesome memes, wholesome, tweets, tumblr, nice, good, animals, animal memes, family, relationships, love, cats, dogs, friendship, reddit, kids, parenting

The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (January 4, 2024)

Nice things
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'Sorry not sorry, bride's request': Maid of Honor Pushed to the Brink Following Bride's Unreasonable Demands

'Sorry not sorry, bride's request': Maid of Honor Pushed to the Brink Following Bride's Unreasonable Demands

Participating in a friend's wedding generally means one of two things. First, it indicates that you are extremely well-organized. Secondly, it may suggest that the bride values your friendship so much and therefore couldn't imagine getting married without her closest friend by her side. Both of these explanations are incredibly flattering, regardless of how they relate to you and your situation. However, what happens if the bride goes too far, her expectations are not met, and, to be honest, yo…
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Doggo Owners Share and Compare Their Wholesomely Goofy Golden Retrievers on the World Wide Web

Doggo Owners Share and Compare Their Wholesomely Goofy Golden Retrievers on the World Wide Web

Hey hoomans! We really hope you're enjoying your day! A few days ago, our beloved Golden turned ten years old. And believe us when we say that he will not allow his advanced years to sap his spirit of youth. From the day we brought him into our little family, he has always been the last to get home and the first to go outside and play in the garden. He likes to go about the neighborhood, run across the river, and watch the little children play on the playground. But as time went on, he made a f…
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'I've waited two years for this moment!': Sister Downright Refuses to Attend Borther-In-Law’s Wedding in an Attempt to Settle the Score

'I've waited two years for this moment!': Sister Downright Refuses to Attend Borther-In-Law’s Wedding in an Attempt to Settle the Score

Family is among the most significant things in the world. But what would happen if someone in our family chose, for no apparent reason, to wreck our lives? They could counter that their actions serve a higher purpose and want to ensure we never lose sight of our roots or grow too conceited. However, where do the lines cross? that boundary between outright cruelty and helpful criticism and honesty. The story below has left me completely in shock. OP is a frustrated sister who has had enough of h…
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Woman Teaches Roommate a Lesson After He Eats Her Food, Leaving Homecooked Meal Out Overnight

Woman Teaches Roommate a Lesson After He Eats Her Food, Leaving Homecooked Meal Out Overnight

I'll say it again for the benefit of those in the back: revenge is always best served cold. They ought to be completely taken aback by it and not notice anything unusual, and only then will you be able to genuinely experience the fulfilling sense of success and achievement. But what about unintentional retaliation—does it fit the bill? Are you still experiencing that amazing sense of fulfillment and contentment? The answer is unquestionably yes! The story that follows is the tale of an angry ro…
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'After the reception, he ghosted me...': Groomzilla excludes groomsman after refusing to sing the bride's favorite song

'After the reception, he ghosted me...': Groomzilla excludes groomsman after refusing to sing the bride's favorite song

It is a beautiful day today! The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and I get to cover a groomzilla story for the very first time! Not just any groomzilla, but a groomzilla that will make all bridezillas pale in comparison. This is the tale of a committed groomsman who also happens to be the groom's closest friend. For some background, the wedding band was not able to play the song that was meant to be played as the bride walked down the aisle since the lead vocalist became ill on the day…
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Hooman Wholesomely Introduces Their Pet Corgi and Orange Cat to Doggo and Feline Fans

Hooman Wholesomely Introduces Their Pet Corgi and Orange Cat to Doggo and Feline Fans

Hey there fellow hoomans! We hope you have a fantastic last day of 2023! Whoa, this year has been full of highs and lows. But our adorable little corgi was the one who kept us sane. With his cute little legs, nonexistent tail, and warrior spirit, he is our loyal partner in crime. However, we cannot deny that our little boy has mostly been left on his own and is just waiting for us to get home 90% of the time. Therefore, we have been thinking about expanding our family by adding a surprise membe…
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'I’m starting to think it’s me...': Bride drops bridesmaid without an explanation 2 hours after the rehearsal dinner despite $600 gift

'I’m starting to think it’s me...': Bride drops bridesmaid without an explanation 2 hours after the rehearsal dinner despite $600 gift

I understand the desire to have the perfect wedding, but at what expense? When someone prioritizes the event itself over the people in attendance, it is extremely troubling. Don't you think? The story below revolves around a bridesmaid who was unable to withstand the bride's insane demands and rage. OP did everything in her power to meet the bride's wants and preferences. Unfortunately, however, after being unable to attend one of the several wedding festivities due to a variety of personal rea…
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31 Perfectly Playful Pugs for a Dose of Festive Cheer That’ll Keep You Laughing to the New Year

31 Perfectly Playful Pugs for a Dose of Festive Cheer That’ll Keep You Laughing to the New Year

We pug you too
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Woman Hides Cobbler-Pie From Her Roommates After They Take Her for Granted

Woman Hides Cobbler-Pie From Her Roommates After They Take Her for Granted

I moved out of my parent's house for the first time when I started university. When I arrived at the dorms, I made sure to clean every square inch of that filthy apartment since I had no idea how the previous tenants—a group of teenage boys—had managed to live in such a filthy space. When my roommates arrived, I introduced myself and apologized ahead of time since I'm not much of a chef and won't be able to help with the cooking. The story below involves a woman who aspires to get better in the…
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'Most of the guests were wearing even fancier dresses': Guest sparks controversy by wearing her wedding dress to another couple's wedding

'Most of the guests were wearing even fancier dresses': Guest sparks controversy by wearing her wedding dress to another couple's wedding

you might want to read the full story before jumping to conclusions...
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