
funny stories

'[I] had to show her multiple times how to open Excel': 20+ People who had no idea how to work a computer

'[I] had to show her multiple times how to open Excel': 20+ People who had no idea how to work a computer

If you've ever watched someone on a computer open a new window and slowly type “”, these stories are for you.
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‘What were they thinking?’: 20+ Wildest Foods People Still Don’t Understand How Humans Discovered

‘What were they thinking?’: 20+ Wildest Foods People Still Don’t Understand How Humans Discovered

‘I want to know what the first person who made bread was thinking’
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'Couldn't remember groomsmen, went with dudesmaids instead': 20+ Times forgetful people made up their own words

'Couldn't remember groomsmen, went with dudesmaids instead': 20+ Times forgetful people made up their own words

The word is on the tip of your tongue , but you just can't quite remember it… It's a universal experience in this human life of ours. To err is human, and to forget words and make up something silly is funny. Parents do this all the time. Your parent will look at you, name all your siblings and forget your name, and then finally just give up and say, “You, that one. Don't forget your lunch.” Though parents have mastered the art of misspeaking, they aren't the only ones who remix words to their…
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'She was livid from the moment she walked in': 15+ Customer chronicles told by retail workers

'She was livid from the moment she walked in': 15+ Crazy customer chronicles told by retail workers

Retail workers could tell you a story or two about their most memorable customers . As a cashier, you may serve hundreds of people each day, so when someone throws a huge fit or is especially impolite, it sticks with you. Whether you're working in a clothing store or a popular spot in the mall or a fast food restaurant, you're bound to get some odd customers. Usually, customers ask the same few questions over and over. But there are exceptions. For example, one person shared that they had a cus…
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'A legend was created': 20+ Hilarious moments that made people laugh hysterically

'A legend was created': 20+ Hilarious moments that made people laugh hysterically

All of us have that one story about the funniest thing we've ever witnessed. It's that one tale that your friend group can tell over and over, since it brings everyone to tears of laughter with every repeated telling. Often, the story involves someone in the friend group falling or making a fool of themselves in some other goofy way. The good people of the r/AskReddit community told their own stories about the funniest things they've personally witnessed, and it's impossible to read them withou…
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‘He sang to his mom instead of the bride': 30+ Guests Share Most Entertaining Wedding Stories

‘He sang to his mom instead of the bride': 30+ Guests Share Most Entertaining Wedding Stories

Awkward much?
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baby, baby names, name, names, funny baby names, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, am i the asshole, aita, family drama, family, family stories, funny stories, funny, funny names, sad but true

New mom's baby name tribute to 'Nana Lottie' goes horribly, hilariously wrong: 'To say the family lost their minds would be an understatement'

She should have thought that through
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'[They] pushed the photocopier down the stairs': 25+ Workers who got fired expeditiously

'[They] pushed the photocopier down the stairs': 25+ Workers who got fired expeditiously

People tend to have some patience for the new person, but there are a few things they can do that will get them fired ASAP. In fact, if you were looking for ways to get out of a job the fastest, this is a great list of ideas. When a coworker gets fired, word spreads like wildfire. It quickly becomes the water cooler gossip of the day. The crazier the offense, the better the story is! After all, you have to be doing something majorly wrong if you're fired within hours of signing your onboarding…
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'Exactly as fake and staged as you imagine': 20+ Friends and spouses of influencers explain the behind-the-scenes drama of influencer life

'Exactly as fake and staged as you imagine': 20+ Friends and spouses of influencers explain the behind-the-scenes drama of influencer life

If you ever wanted to know what a day in the life of an influencer is like, let us clue you in. Thanks to one person's question to r/AskReddit, more than 1,000 friends and spouses of influencers told their tales of what it's like. A lot of it depends on how many followers the person has. For influencers with hundreds of thousands, it can take over their whole life. Some people shared that they got tired of having to wait for every meal to be photographed, and every party documented in great det…
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'Interviewer... quit right in the middle of the job interview': 20 Interviews that went so badly it turned away the job candidates

'Interviewer... quit right in the middle of the job interview': 20 Interviews that went so badly it turned away the job candidates

Imagine getting the jitters as you show up to a job interview , only for the interviewer to barely ask you any questions about yourself. Or imagine if you arrived ready to explain your qualifications, but then the hiring manager decided to blabber on about his wife's career, and how you'd be better at her job instead! It sounds crazy, but a lot of people have had incredibly bad job interviews that let them know almost immediately that these roles weren't right for them. Some of them walked out,…
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'I left pool noodles outside on accident': 20+ Confounding reasons people got fired

'I left pool noodles outside on accident': 20+ Confounding reasons people got fired

These people couldn't believe what they were hearing when their bosses told them they were fired . That's because these workers were let go for some pretty off-the-wall reasons. The usual reasons people are fired are things like repeated latenesses, complaints from customers, talking back to management, or being put on a PIP (performance improvement plan) without improving. Most companies try to avoid firing people if possible, but sometimes it's avoidable. At least you're not the person who go…
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‘Complete your job, then leave quietly’: Top Mildly Infuriating Stories of the Week

‘Complete your job, then leave quietly’: Top Mildly Infuriating Stories of the Week

Entertaining stories from people who had a bad day.
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'He deleted the entire company's website by accident': 20+ Foolish managers whose employees roll their eyes at their antics

'He deleted the entire company's website by accident': 20+ Foolish managers whose employees roll their eyes at their antics

If you think your boss is goofy, just wait until you hear about how other peoples' bosses act.
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28 pictures of text| Thumbnail includes two pictures of a baked potato and one picture of text including 'Mimikker 7 days ago We have always been a cat house with usually a minimum of three, a max of fourteen. You know how cats like to bring you gifts at your doorstep like and mice? Gladys once brought us a roast birds potato. We still have no idea where she got it.'

18 Hilariously Absurd Animal Anecdotes That People Confessed On The Internet

Life is never boring with pets, is it?
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Relatable and funny feline stories | thumbnail includes one image which shows a cat poking its head out from behind a wall and a Reddit thread title ‘r/AskReddit’ ‘6yr ago’ ‘Zddstcddfww’ ‘Cat owners of Reddit, what’s the weirdest/funniest thing your cat has done?’

15 Relatable And Funny Feline Pawrent Stories To Fill You With The Funnies

Sometimes it’s better to hear it from someone else
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'That was the first job I ever quit': 15+ Fed-up workers explain the exact moments they decided to quit their toxic jobs

'That was the first job I ever quit': 15+ Fed-up workers explain the exact moments they decided to quit their toxic jobs

No matter how patient someone is, everyone has their breaking point. Most people who quit a job on the spot don't quit because of an isolated incident. Instead, a lot of people can only handle customers complaining to their faces so many times. You can only work so many tables that tip zero dollars before you start to lose your marbles. There are only so many times a Karen customer can confront you about prices that aren't in your control before you start to daydream about unemployment. These k…
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