

newest pixie and brutus comic about how brutus got his scars - thumbnail of first two panels of the comic Remember do said tell ya happened older mean | Oh mean scars? Yeah don't have if don't wanna. No fine.

Pixie And Brutus: How Brutus Obtained His Scars

*This comic contains violence*
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latest heartbreaking comic by artist jenny jinya all about orca captivity - thumbnail of orca remembering the sea and swimming freely with family | remember wild waves @JennyJinya and remember family and endless freedom

Jenny Jinya's Addresses Orca Captivity In Newest Comic

Another gut-wrenching tearjerker coming right up
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Let's Do This

Funny tweet about just getting it through another month, and then we'll have to get through another month
Via @oldfriend99
Tumblr thread about death good being a good guy | mikkeneko concept death god is actually surprisingly supportive and on side good guys, supporting actions and promoting policies will lead kingdom growing and thriving instead being destroyed, because more kingdom grows more people there are, and more people there are more people will eventually die, and an immortal god death know there's no need rush get them all end mikkeneko like responses on this post are cleanly split between "hey this is gr

Tumblr Thread: A Death God that's Not a Bad Guy

Paging Hades and Terry Pratchett...
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Funny random memes, stupid memes, relatable memes, simpsons memes, hannibal burress, stupid memes, parenting memes | Therapist: You should really avoid using alcohol to cope with emotional trauma. Me: lean in my cereal | Do you remember how TinkerBell would nearly die everytime she didn't get enough attention? Well this is me now

Relatable Memes To Keep People Distracted

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cat medley mourning loss cats aww cute adorable animals funny lol wholesome heartwarming tearjerker heartbreaking life | Beautiful black hole black cat lying on a galaxy space blanket

Cat Medley: Cuteness, Appreciation, Mourning And Loss

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art life pets funny comics web aww lol artist animals dogs cats cute adorable relatable | before and after getting pets illustration of a person sitting comfortable at a computer and another of the same person accommodating cats and dogs

Artist Sums Up How Life Changes After Getting A Pet

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elephant shrew rediscovered africa animals amazing lost species found crazy interesing life

Lost Species Rediscovered After 50 Years: The Elephant Shrew

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bbc earth animals weird interesting creatures sea land birds monkeys life youtube video

Five Lesser Known Animals (Video)

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dogs comics death love animals jenyy jinya pets life mourning loss heartbreaking tearjerker | Today is day know pain. Ojennyjinya person looking at photograph of a dog next to the real dog who is old and weak

Jenny Jinya's Newest Comic About Love And Loss

It's all about being there
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Funny memes, funny tweets, silly memes, yoda, star wars, star wars memes, dank memes, meme about ignoring peoples calls, meme about demons holding up your boobs instead of using a bra  Can't just buy bra? No. This is far more dramatic | If need call no matter day or night be there also Ringer Silent 130 missed calls Exit

30 Tasty Meme Treats For Your Deteriorating Brains

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An emotional post about enjoying your time alive | r/GetMotivated Posted by u/mylasttie true wolf 4y 79 S 1 [Text] Soon will be gone forever, but 's okay as long as someone reads this Health Fitness am only 24 years old, yet have actually already chosen my last tie s one will wear on my funeral few months now may not match my suit, but think 's perfect occasion.

Emotional Post About Enjoying Your Time On Earth

Too many feels.
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orca Tahlequah calf pregnant heartbreaking heartwarming life killer whales mother motherhood sea

Orca Mother Who Pushed Dead Calf For 17 Days Is Pregnant Again

We wish her all the best
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Make It Stop

Funny meme that reads, "When the existential memes start getting too relatable" above images of Alex Jones laughing and then crying
Via LeoSenior
comic life death animals jenny jinya art artist animal fox foxes important message | oh no no help no poor thing art by Jenny jinya Pools are Such trap.

Jenny Jinya Introduces Life To Her "Death" Series (Comic)

Needed this today
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sheep peaceful eating video cute funny aww lol adorable smile happiness video youtube

Peaceful Sheep Laying In A Field As It Eats (Video)

So carelessly blissful
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