
old people

twitter, twitter thread, boomers, habits, hygiene, household, sayings, chores, funny, grandma

'I wake up at 4:30 AM every day': Millennials who grew up living with their grandparents reveal the old people things they do

Many make sense
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prank, grandma, scam, scammer, call, phone call, funny, funny video, tiktok, revenge, petty revenge, scam call

'I think I'm gonna get raptured': 92 year old grandma expertly pranks scam callers

Making them hang up
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drinking, aging, beauty, straw, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, dystopia, influencer, appearance

'And we act surprised when 10 year olds are in Sephora': TikToker promotes 'anti-wrinkle straws', gets roasted by the internet

There's more to life than appearances
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art, painting, relationships, marriage, romance, twitter, twitter thread, wholesome, facebook, boomer, old people

Wholesome boomer husbands paint their wives, get applauded by the internet: 'Wife guys have been the backbone of the art world for centuries'

To be loved is to be seen
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old old-people old-lady lady grandma karen entitled bus disabled justice revenge put in their place deserved reddit mortified funny awesome story

'You ain't no thug': Hoodlum Karen gets mortified by a 4'11" granny after trying to intimidate a disabled person

If you're caught acting like a hoodlum in public, someone's grandma is probably watching from afar, reaching for the chancla of justice to come down on any wayward ruffian.
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life hacks wholesome louie wisdom boomer advice interesting adorable cute getting old elderly people reddit

Wise Ol' Boomer Shares 32 Gems of Wholesome Wisdom, Making Him Everyone's Grandpa Now

Old man, take a look at my life, I'm a lot like you
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technology, technical difficulties, old people, boomers, phones, computers, funny, funny twitter, twitter, twitter thread

'Not even a computer from the 2000s has this many viruses': People despair at how Boomers use technology

Impressive ineptitude
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farmer, machinery, kids, adults, old, old people, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, funny, funny video

'How old is he? 50?': Boomer kid impresses internet with precocious knowledge of farm machinery

An old soul
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‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

Even though most people would go back to being kids in a heartbeat, becoming adults also has a lot of benefits. Especially being able to call your own shots, and do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it, without having to answer to anyone. When I was a kid, the one thing I was so excited about adulthood was owning a car and not having to take the bus anymore. Now as an adult, even though I do have a car, I still find myself taking the bus to work, and I completely understand why yo…
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30 Times You've Been Personally Victimized by Being Called Mam (Twitter Thread)

30 Times You've Been Personally Victimized by Being Called Mam (Twitter Thread)

Feeling old? Let's Talk About Being Called the "M" word.
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social media, facebook, boomers, baby boomers, memes, unfunny, old people, old people facebook, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy

20+ Cringey Facebook Memes That Might Make Your Boomer Relatives Chuckle After Christmas Dinner

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'I had a young coworker not know how to write a check': 30+ Workers who realized they were "officially old" thanks to their young coworkers

'I had a young coworker not know how to write a check': 30+ Workers who realized they were "officially old" thanks to their young coworkers

Did you know that the kids these days are referring to the 90s as the “late 1900s"? If that sentence made you want to check your scalp for gray hairs, you're not alone. Aging happens to every living being, and there's nothing we can do about it. We're just along for the ride as trends change and lingo transforms. It's like that saying about how the past is a foreign country. We had less tech back then, and everything was different. In school, our teachers assured us that we'd need to know how t…
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wisdom sage advice boomers boomer old-people generation old grandma grandpa good-advice life life-advice wholesome

Geezers Share a Cornucopia of Fantastic Wisdoms They Wished They Knew When They Were Young and Spry

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dresses, old fashion, twitter, comments, twitter reactions, Facebook Fail, old people, old people facebook, clothes, dress, twitter discourse, the elderly, comment, clothing

Bitter Old Haters Criticize Hot Grandma For Her Fashion, Youngsters Rush to Her Defense

She's killing it!
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reddit, reddit thread, funny reddit, out of touch, rich people, wealth, work, finance, money, askreddit, old people,

Redditors Share the Wildly Out of Touch Things They've Been Told

I'll just get the maid to do it
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'When you rather be in bed than be at a party': 20+ signs that you're becoming old

'When you rather be in bed than be at a party': 20+ signs that you're becoming old

There is a definitive moment in everyone's adult lives when all of a sudden, you don't have the bandwidth to do what you used to do. This could be something as literal and physical as needing to hire movers the next time you're changing apartment because you just don't have the strength and energy to carry everything yourself and potentially create even worse back problems than you already have. This could also be something as seemingly minor as putting a hard stop to your “going out” plans so…
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