

AITA: ‘I want a separate bedroom’ : Couple pays 50/50 rent, entitled boyfriend demands all spare rooms to himself, girlfriend claims 'it's not fair' and asks for separate bedroom

AITA: ‘I want a separate bedroom’ : Couple pays 50/50 rent, entitled boyfriend demands all spare rooms to himself, girlfriend claims 'it's not fair' and asks for separate bedroom

Moving in together with your significant other is as charming as it is stressful. This is the time you truly get to know them. Sharing a living space with anyone can be emotionally draining, and it's normal to want some space for yourself. One woman took to Reddit, sharing the news of her moving in with her boyfriend. They were going to rent a three-bedroom house and had two spare rooms that they were figuring out what to do with. The entitled boyfriend thought it was totally legitimate to dema…
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'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

Roommate situations can get muddled and messy real fast, especially when matters concerning money are involved. You'd think you could trust a friend in that regard, but don't be so quick to assume… people can unpleasantly surprise you, as made obvious in this tale of petty revenge. One man told his ‘roommate horror story’ to r/pettyrevenge, which took place many years ago. While in college, he rented out a room in the summer at a friend's apartment in Colorado. He wasn't aware that this ‘friend…
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'I got my sister's account suspended' : Brother takes petty revenge on entitled influencer sister for adding him to her viral cooking videos without his consent, leading to family drama

'I got my sister's account suspended' : Brother takes petty revenge on entitled influencer sister for adding him to her viral cooking videos without his consent, leading to family drama

Isn't it crazy that we live in an era where posting yourself online counts as a career? You can make millions of dollars by making maintaining a shocked expression as you stare at an imaginary audience through a camera and overexaggerate the pronunciation of every word you say. Hey, bonus if you learn a trending dance that includes exactly 3 moves with a voiceover of a baby screeching. Times have changed, y'all… This college student took to the r/AITA subreddit, asking Redditors for their take…
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'The woman laughed and made a whiney noise, mimicking me. She had no idea who she was messing with.' : Entitled Karen teases woman and steals her parking space, leading to wild revenge

'The woman laughed and made a whiney noise, mimicking me. She had no idea who she was messing with.' : Entitled Karen teases woman and steals her parking space, leading to wild revenge

Parking at wholefoods can suck the happiness out of anyone. Even if you won the lottery ten minutes prior, sliding into the wholefoods parking lot will take your high and throw it in the trash. The number of Karens running, driving, strutting and squawking is implausible, unless you've seen it firsthand. This lady was waiting patiently for her turn in said parking lot, her blinkers turned on, the wind blowing in her hair, just chilling, as an elderly woman was taking her time leaving her parkin…
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‘We Built a Wall’ : Woman Sees Snow as Opportunity for Revenge on Meddling Neighbor, Building Icy Barrier, Nine and a Half Feet Tall

‘We Built a Wall’ : Woman Sees Snow as Opportunity for Revenge on Meddling Neighbor, Building Icy Barrier, Nine and a Half Feet Tall

While some people may see an inconvenience as a problem, others see it as an opportunity to get back at their terrible neighbors. One person held this attitude, and it certainly got her far in terms of petty revenge. She lived next to an older couple, who lived above their car restoration business (this part is relevant because their business was fronted right on the sidewalk, running the entire length and width of their property). The thing was, their garage door was in the middle of the front…
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AITA for telling cashier that wasn’t the girls credit card?

Snooping Karen makes teen cry after she alleges credit card 'fraud'

This woman decided to visit an expensive department store and spy on the other customers while they shopped. If only she had decided to mind her business, the internet wouldn't be roasting her ! After a shopping incident, Karen felt justified to post to r/AmItheA**hole – she was so sure she was in the right, but she just wanted to be sure. As she explains the story, she went for a shopping trip in Bloomingdales, and noticed two teen girls who found a pair of super expensive boots , and decided…
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AITA: ‘She won’t attend the wedding and it’s all your fault’ : Entitled Lady Unfairly Demands Sister Pay For Her Daughter’s Wheelchair Rental Fee, Leading To Family Dispute

AITA: ‘She won’t attend the wedding and it’s all your fault’ : Entitled Lady Unfairly Demands Sister Pay For Her Daughter’s Wheelchair Rental Fee, Leading To Family Dispute

Family weddings always lead to drama, one way or another. This time, a woman took to the r/AITA subreddit, seeking Redditers' opinions about her ‘selfish sister’ who was getting married, and picked a venue that wasn't up to par with this woman's expectations regarding wheelchair accessibility. See, the woman's daughter had disabilities, and the wedding would be held at the beach, in the sand. That is not exactly wheelchair friendly… To be fair and even out the playing field a little, it's impor…
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‘I’m Not Responsible for Your Tiny Idiots’ : Reckless Parents Expect Server to Babysit Kids, Blame Him When Kids Ultimately Smash Restaurant Property to Smithereens

‘I’m Not Responsible for Your Tiny Idiots’ : Reckless Parents Expect Server to Babysit Kids, Blame Him When Kids Ultimately Smash Restaurant Property to Smithereens

Oh no, the waiter isn't a babysitter, how terrible...
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'Who do you think you are?' : Trashy Couple Steals Birthday Girl’s Thunder, Using Her Event for Wedding Proposal, Best Friend of B-Day Girl Goes in Hysterical Frenzy

'Who do you think you are?' : Trashy Couple Steals Birthday Girl’s Thunder, Using Her Event for Wedding Proposal, Best Friend of B-Day Girl Goes in Hysterical Frenzy

We all have that bestie who would do anything for us. You can be sure that if someone proposed to their girlfriend at OUR birthday party, we wouldn't take it lightly, either. A woman took to r/pettyrevenge, sharing an infuriating situation that involved exactly that — ugh, the audacity . Well, rather at her BFF's b-day party. That's actually worse. Don't cheap out on your proposal dude, and never, EVER, steal someone else's thunder when they're celebrating something. That goes for birthday part…
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‘You’re Toast!’ : Entitled Nepo-Baby Employee Fired for Negligence, Reports Boss for Fraud Out of Spite, Legal Department Revokes His Financial Support as Revenge

‘You’re Toast!’ : Entitled Nepo-Baby Employee Fired for Negligence, Reports Boss for Fraud Out of Spite, Legal Department Revokes His Financial Support as Revenge

Tim was the type of employee who did the bare minimum and expected a promotion. He was certain he was a critical cog in the machine, working in a department that reported to the mayor — much thanks to his father, who was a bigshot lawyer. The thing is, Tim had difficulty doing even basic tasks and was more of a thorn in his boss's side than anything else. After an egregious event at work, Tim was fired. Before you feel bad for the dude, he was technically offered the opportunity to resign. But…
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askreddit, reddit, rude, funny, reddit thread, annoying, relationships, coworkers

People Share Times They Knew They Weren't Going to Like Someone Within a Minute of Meeting Them

Human beings are social animals whose survival relies on cooperation. We as a species need relationships in order to thrive, and yet, sometimes we really can't freakin' stand each other. Sometimes you just don't like a person, and you know what? That's okay. Maybe we don't all need to get along. In a recent amusing Reddit thread, people shared times they knew within a minute of meeting someone that they weren't going to vibe. It's hard not to relate.
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Simon Yosh, An Adorable Criminal With Zero Table Manners Who Is Purrfectly Capable of Plotting How to Steal Hooman's Food

Simon Yosh, An Adorable Criminal With Zero Table Manners Who Is Purrfectly Capable of Plotting How to Steal Hooman's Food

This thief isn't very polite, but he is very adorable.
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‘You Messed With the Wrong Cosplayer’ : Entitled Lady Insults Cosplayer on Online Fandom, He Plays Ultimate Long Game of Revenge, Leading To Her Losing $25,000 Prize in Social Media Contest

‘You Messed With the Wrong Cosplayer’ : Entitled Lady Insults Cosplayer on Online Fandom, He Plays Ultimate Long Game of Revenge, Leading To Her Losing $25,000 Prize in Social Media Contest

A portmanteau of the words ‘play’ and ‘costume’, cosplay is the act of dressing up in a fictional character's apparel. While adorning this character's costume, the cosplayer oftentimes adopts their persona and mannerism. Let's be clear, a lot of effort is put into this recreation of a character, so the last thing you'd wanna do is insult the person who does it. Personally, I really admire the dedication and the zest that people have for it. It's not just a costume — it's an art, a performance.…
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‘Fine, No Problem. I’ll Clean the Floor.’ : Bossy Manager Treats Overworked Employee Poorly, Giving Him Extra Duties That Are Not Part of His Job Description, Leading To Malicious Compliance

‘Fine, No Problem. I’ll Clean the Floor.’ : Bossy Manager Treats Overworked Employee Poorly, Giving Him Extra Duties That Are Not Part of His Job Description, Leading To Malicious Compliance

The service industry is pretty volatile, as the environment is not exactly a professional one. If you've never had a job in this line of work, let me tell you, you are not missing out. What goes on behind the scenes ain't pretty. For some weird reason, managers in restaurants generally seem to be on some power trip. Their ego quickly outgrows their head, leading to repetitive conflict. u/Dio_bean took to Reddit, sharing his own experience with a terrible manager who instructed him to do a ‘deep…
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innuendo, double entendre, naughty, dirty, dirty pictures, dirty mind, r/theyknew, funny, funny pics, funny pictures

16+ Suggestive Images Where People Definitely Knew What They Were Doing

Innuendo central
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yikes, ask reddit, work stories, funny stories, funny story, enemies, askreddit, reddit story, bad people, true story, stupid people, workplace, story, reddit thread, stories, Reddit, rude

People Discuss Times They Hated Someone From The Moment They Met Them

First impressions can be a tricky thing. I have gotten poor first impressions from some of the best people in my life, and I thank heavens every day that I did not wholly dismiss them after one questionable meeting . At the same time, there have been several times when I have gotten a bad vibe from someone after first meeting them and gave them a chance, only to find out later that they were a pretty rotten person. Most of the time, first meetings won't give you the complete picture of your fut…
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