

'They can't hear me because they're listening to Kidz Bop': Mother sticks her head in another driver's car to talk to passenger

'They can't hear me because they're listening to Kidz Bop': Mother sticks her head in another driver's car to confront passenger

This woman decided to confront another driver , but she did it in the most awkward way imaginable. As with every story on the internet, there are at least two sides. But whoever holds the video camera has an advantage to tell their side of the story. This person just happened to catch one mom's odd behavior on camera, and shared the video with the world. The woman's claims are serious: she states that the driver of the car nearly hit her children. The woman asks for an apology from the driver,…
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funny and weird things that people caught their cats doing | thumbnail includes three pictures including a cat staring at a bowl of grapes and a cat carrying a pillow in its mouth and a cat staring at a piano

The Weirdest And Funniest Things Owners Have Caught Their Cats Doing When They Thought They Weren't Looking: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

Just cats being cats
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'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman questions neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman confronts neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

This woman is losing her mind over some teeny tiny flag decorations . Sometimes you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed. And if you're this woman, you then proceed to take a stroll down the block, no shoes necessary, to yell at your neighbors. This woman was very worked up over her neighbors' property , and she spent several minutes screaming at the poor young folks who live there. To their credit, the young people who live in this place handled the woman's yelling with grace (and some mi…
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43 weird memes | thumbnail includes two pictures of weird posts

43 Unhinged Memes for People With a Special Kind of Humor (August 22, 2023)

As someone who grew up at a time before the internet, I gotta admit - there are a lot of witty people out there. Back in the late 1900s (as Gen-Z likes to call it) all we had to keep us entertained were movies, Television, and whoever we happened to grow up next to. If you had funny friends , you were good, but if you grew up in some grey, boring little town without much humor in it, well… you were out of luck. What we used to do was find one or two movies we liked and we would just watch them…
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Doggo Parents Confess Their Golden Retrievers' Hilariously Specific "Golden" Rules For Their Respective Households

So very silly
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'We had to pay fifty cents to use a K-Cup': 30+ Jobs with silly rules

'We had to pay fifty cents to use a K-Cup': 30+ Jobs with silly rules that drive the workers crazy

These people have the strangest rules at their jobs, from bosses who limit their water intake to one guy who needs to email someone just to find a pen. As they shared to r/AskReddit, these people answered: “What's the most ridiculous rule in your place of work?” Every job has it's own rules,
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32 memes about Anxiety | thumbnail includes two pictures of Anxiety memes

32 Tweets and Posts That Prove Being Normal Is Overrated (August 17, 2023)

The Cat: Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
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ask reddit neighbors funny stories house neighborhood family stories funny weird entitled people neighbor apartment - 21828101

'My upstairs neighbors moo at each other': 20+ Neighbors who were on their weirdest and silliest behaviors

These people didn't hold back when talking about their neighbors' silliest habits . From keeping the radio on 24/7 to disputes over property lines, there are lots of things you and your neighbors might disagree over. It's great to befriend your neighbors if possible. Alongside having a pleasant atmosphere in your neighborhood , it's nice to have someone you can depend on to water your plants or get your mail while you're out of town. That's assuming you have normal neighbors, but a lot of peopl…
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25 Pizzas with quirky and questionable toppings

25 Pizzas with quirky and questionable toppings

Pizzas that are this bizarre make us feel philosophical. At what point does a pizza, loaded up with the most random toppings you can think of, cease to be a pizza pie?
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'I'm 45 and still can't tell the time with an analog clock': 35 Captivating confessions that could only be told anonymously

'I'm 45 and still can't tell the time with an analog clock': 35 Captivating confessions that could only be told anonymously

Share your most secret-y secrets with us…we promise we won't tell! Well actually, if you tell your secrets to @fesshole, they'll tell everyone . But your secrets will be anonymous — no one will ever know it's you. Every day, people from around the world submit their most private secrets to the @fesshole account. These secrets range from tiny to life-shattering, so it's always an interesting read! This week, we've scoured the page for the craziest, funniest, and most intriguing posts. Even when…
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'[She] changed our sign to say 'open': Gift shop employee stops customer who insisted on shopping in a closed store

'[She] changed our sign to say 'open': Gift shop employee stops customer who insisted on shopping in a closed store

This customer has a life hack to get into any store . All you have to do is take a little initiative. What could go wrong? U/Sparrowmoss shared this wild story of customer entitlement . Some customers take deep offense to stores being closed, or having hours of operation in general. If the customer can't get that random item at 10:59pm, they'll insist that the store is in the wrong. It's not the employee's fault that customers procrastinate so badly that they intend to shop at a store that's cl…
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'Her "perfecting the recipe" ended up with this result': Woman tells MIL she does not enjoy her signature mac and cheese dish

'Her "perfecting the recipe" ended up with this result': Woman tells MIL she despises her signature mac and cheese dish

Think of the most off-the-wall way you could make pasta… and it's still not as odd as this MIL's custom recipe . This woman and her husband have a great relationship with his parents. But now that the OP, u/NecessaryAct35, is pregnant, she's finding herself unable to eat the food that her mother in law has been making…and she may have a good reason why. The issue with this mother in law's mac and cheese dish is that she seems to have added far too many ingredients into the mix. Of course, depen…
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18 pictures of bears and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Organism - BINIS CHINESE ZOO IS FORCED TO DENY ITS BEARS ARE HUMANS IN COSTUME', 'Organism - C 9995', and 'Smile - _dom.s Exactly what a human in a bear costume would say 11h 2,745 likes Reply'

Zoo In China Claims That Its Bears Are Not Actually Humans In Costumes After Eery Video Goes Viral Of Them Standing And Waving

It's too comfortable on two legs
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30 Majorly messy meals that really needed plates

30 Majorly messy meals that really needed plates

Restaurants love to be hip and trendy, but at what cost? There are two types of people: those who photograph their every meal, and those who just eat the food. Food bloggers and amateur photographers alike love to snap pictures of what they're dining on, and post photos to their socials for the whole world to admire. However, it's not exactly original to post just a plain old hamburger. No, your followers want to see you eat the weirdest stuff, it must be eye catching. That's the only reason I…
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30 weird internet posts | thumbnail includes two pictures of weird posts

Internet Oddballs: 30 Times People Embraced Their Inner Quirkiness Online

30 Hilariously Bizarre Digital Expressions of Human Oddity
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wtf confusing architecture funny pics funny memes cars buildings wtf is this clothes funny pictures confusing perspective Cats perspective weird vehicles - 21576197

'For five seconds, I thought this was a T-Rex': 20+ Peculiar photos with confusing perspectives

Photography can be so much fun for amateurs and professionals alike. These days, almost everybody has an iPhone, meaning you have a super high-quality camera in your pocket all the time. It's never been easier to capture snapshots of the world we see around us. These people below caught some really cool photos, whether intentional or not. They're the kind of pictures that make you pause for a moment and stare at it as you try and figure out what in the world is going on! The best of these photo…
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