Dating is already scary on its own and getting diagnosed with an incurable condition is even scarier on its own—imagine combining those two together! But ya know what, you gotta do what you gotta do and you gotta just keep on going. TikToker @limpbroozkit recently was diagnosed with MND (Motor Neurone Disease), which is a disease with known cure. It's an uncommon condition and it affects the brain and nerves, causing weakness that gets worse over time. Because of this, the TikToker has had to introduce medical devices like canes and walkers into her life.
She's in good spirits though and is dealing with her diagnosis the best way she can—with her impeccable humor. Everything is like a new experience for her now, like dating. She was nervous about how people on dating apps would react to her condition. Luckily, she's come up with some of her very own clever lines that helps her share her condition and she's also received some equally punny responses. She's shared these interactions on her TikTok and has since gone viral.
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