Some days, against all odds, your body begs to be moved. You can sail along without a workout routine for a long time, months (years even), but at some point, your body will cry out for attention. And then it's an impulse you can't ignore. For example, if you're cooped up in an office all day, your legs might be begging you to stretch them come 5 pm. Or if you just woke up from a hard-won sleep-in session, your bones might howl for some life to be breathed back into them.
The body is incredibly intelligent this way. It tells us what we need and when we need it. Though sometimes it's hard to separate the brain's strong messaging from the body's wants. My mind's telling me no, but my body's telling me yes. Me every time I think about going to the gym. So this list is for all the people caught in that struggle cycle. May you break free from it soon.