
baby boomers

Funniest Dark Memes That Make You Realize How Much Boomers Suck

Sassy Memes & Videos About Boomers For Victimized Millennials

Ok Boomer
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A compilation of funny memes about Gen X, Generation X, the 80s, and the 90s.

Gen X Memes For Folks Who Still Remember The 80s

The way people who never lived through the 80s see that era represented in media is quite inaccurate. If I didn't know any better, I would think that in the 80s, everyone was wearing neon, leggings, tutus, and headbands at all times. In fact, I would've thought that attire was socially mandated. Luckily for me, I have been obsessed with the movie Heathers (1989) since I was 14 years old, so I'm quite acquainted with how boxy, and ugly 80s clothes could be. And don't even get me started on 80s h…
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facebook memes, baby boomers, larping, boomer humor, funny, memes, parody, funny comments, comedy, parody, facebook | Dakota Jade will NOT be coming Barbara's potluck tomorrow DO NOT ASK WHY Randy Miller COME | Zeon D V Kitchiner Please help do change 4 pdfs into single document?

Funny Posts From A Parody Facebook Group Where People LARP As Boomers

Comedy gold
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Babies, karens, tantrum, baby, screaming, tantrums, customers, flight, airlines, yelling, customer, passenger, airline, baby boomers, boomers, airplanes, karen, airplane, flying

Rowdy Airline Passenger Throws Tantrum Because of Crying Baby, Gets Arrested

There are very few places where adults are punished for acting a fool . You can't scream and yell at work or the airport. That's it. Technically, you can, but it can have incredibly dire consequences for your life. Everywhere else, yelling at people because you're mildly irritated is not only common but often condoned. When somebody yells about their food at a restaurant, said restaurant is likely to comp their order, thereby validating the bad behavior. Constant adult temper tantrums can ruin…
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baby boomers, millennials, gen z, advice, generations, comparison, twitter thread, parents, grandparents

People Share the Things They Think Earlier Generations Did Right

Golden years
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antiwork toxic-work-views work culture boomer-grandparents millennials toxic-generational-views millennial-employee toxic-mother-in-law baby boomers mother in law gen z boomers mil boomer-mother-in-law workforce Reddit millennial-parents - 20048901

'I pointedly told her that I AM a millennial and...': Boomer MIL thinks millennials don't want to work, hardworking millennial son-in-law puts her in her place

It is another classic boomer vs millennial dilemma . Here we have a millennial son-in-law having to stand up for his generation (yet again) to his boomer mother-in-law who calls anybody younger than her a millennial, and millennials are lazy folk who don't want to work. This story takes place in an amusement park. A millennial family with the boomer grandparents included, took a spring vacation to an amusement park. The park had just opened for the season, so it wasn't as full of visitors, but…
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‘I’m literally throwing up at work': Millennial employee gets accused of faking sickness to get out of work, boss threatens to fire them if they don't finish their shift

‘I’m literally throwing up at work': Millennial employee gets accused of faking sickness to get out of work, boss threatens to fire them if they don't finish their shift

Older generations think that millennials and Gen Z have no work ethic. Obviously that's not true across the board, it's just that younger folks aren't inclined to work for jobs with no benefits, living wages, or humanity. One millennial recently got accused of faking being sick at work to get out of his shift, even though he had a fever, chills, and was violently ill in the bathroom.
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old people, old people facebook, baby boomers, facebook, funny, mistake, dumb

Clueless Old People Having a Great Time on the Internet

They're trying
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ok boomer, boss, toxic manager, boomer, toxic workplace, work, business signs, toxic boss, baby boomers, gen z, boomers, workplace, Horrible Bosses, bad bosses, toxic work environment

'Baby Boomers Only': Business Owner Insults Gen Z Former Employees in Desperate Help Wanted Sign

Trying to find new employees after losing multiple staff members is tricky. You want to hire people quickly, but you don't want to onboard any rube off the street who just happened to apply. You want the job posting to come off as appealing and not desperate. Whatever you do, you don't want to say that you're "always hiring" because that's the biggest red flag in all of recruiting. Well, almost the biggest red flag. Last year, a hiring/temporary closing sign went viral . This handwritten notice…
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economy-crisis banking crisis millennials Stock Market Silicon-Valley-Bank dark humor funny comments gen x baby boomers boomers Bank-Collapse funny savings money banking - 19727109

'Old-Poor' Millennials Rag on 'New-Poor' Boomers for Freaking Out Over the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse in Funniest Self-Deprecating Comment Section

Or are the millennials ragging on themselves?... Either way, it's hilarious!
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Boomer Bummer: Funniest Memes About the Greatest Generation Who Will Always Need Help Attaching a PDF to an Email

Boomer Bummer: Funniest Memes About the Greatest Generation Who Will Always Need Help Attaching a PDF to an Email

Millennials are just so entitled
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Sassy Woman Pwns a Self Proclaimed 'Beast Mode Aficionado' on Twitter Who Thinks That Millennials Complain Too Much About Adulting, Midlife Crisis, and Getting Old

Sassy Woman Pwns a Self Proclaimed 'Beast Mode Aficionado' on Twitter Who Thinks That Millennials Complain Too Much About Adulting, Midlife Crisis, and Getting Old

“I’m a 35 year old with the mindset of a 7 year old, knees of a 65 year old, and bedtime of a 98 year old. I'll be taking no questions at this time”
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theory on why Millennial and Gen Z women are dating less puts the blame on boomer and Gen X mothers

'We taught our daughters to be strong women, but we didn’t teach our sons to handle that:' TikToker Discusses Her "Lost Generations" Theory On Why Millennial and Gen Z Women Are Dating Less

"We aren't willing to do the things that our mother's did. We are happier on our own!"
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Entitled boomer curses me out at work for not saying “thank you”

'He was angry and upset because I didn’t say thank you': Woman gets cursed out and threatened by entitled boomer at work

The number of people in this world who expect graciousness after they are already being hostile is absurd!
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‘Gen Z Sucks’ : Baby Boomers Spark Debate on Reddit Thread Regarding the New Tech-Savvy Generation

‘Gen Z Sucks’ : Baby Boomers Spark Debate on Reddit Thread Regarding the New Tech-Savvy Generation

Are you ‘with the times', or are you a Boomer? It's kind of a given that generational differences are going to spark heated debates. Boomers hate Gen X who hate Millennials. But who do these three generations hate the most? Gen Z, of course. We live in an era where generations don't really mix all that frequently. Youngsters seek out the freedom that independent living offers as soon as possible. The internet is rampant (Ahem, Reddit) with generational debates, and as Gen Z yap on about the pri…
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Boomer doesn't understand tech

'Karen had deleted everything': Boomer Karen tries to screw over coworker after getting laid off, coworker gets revenge

It is so much easier to make a graceful exit at a company rather than a dramatic one.
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