
food service

customer service cook cooking funny stories malicious compliance revenge customers funny-revenge-story restaurant chef food service restaurants service industry - 20676869

'Tell the chef to make this for me like he [hates] me': Customer asks for extreme spice, lives to regret it

Everyone knows that person who treats their tolerance for spice like it's a personality trait. I used to work with a friend who was practically immune to spice and would always throw out taunting requests like this to wait-staff, insinuating that there was no way their chef could placate his lust for the fieriest of infernos. We had a Thai place near the office that we would frequent for lunch, the pair of us would always order the same dish (pad thai), and my friend would submit his usual requ…
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cake, orange, food memes, McDonald's, cursed food, mountain dew, kfc, food service, gummy, funny food photos, gross food, food, junk food, fast food, hamburger

Weird Food Memes For Freaky Foodies

Don't take that shot!
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customer service karens idontworkherelady server karen-customer restaurant food service karen service industry - 20345605

'I SAW YOU HELP THAT GIRL': Manager accosted by local Karen at a restaurant where they don't even work

It really is a shame that our society has turned into one where helping others is associated with being in a lower class. The number of stories where someone is rudely addressed by another customer and assumed to be a worker just because they went out of their way to help or be pleasant to someone is astounding. In each of these scenarios, even the most basic acknowledgment that the person working is a human being immediately marks them as a recipient of rude demands. This story, shared by Redd…
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candy, burger, pizza, food memes, soda, cursed food, fried chicken, kfc, food service, fries, beans, funny food photos, gross food, food, junk food, burgers, fast food

The Best Food Memes to Bite Into

Om nom nom
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jobs, work, labor, anti work, antiwork, reddit, reddit thread, horrible bosses, lunch break, food service, minimum wage

Entitled Boss Tries to Force Employees to Stay at Work During Unpaid Lunch Break

Employment is pretty simple. An employer is supposed to compensate a worker for their time. When said worker is off the clock, they can do whatever the hell they want with their time. You either pay someone for their time or you dismiss them from their duties. Demanding that people stay at work while they're off the clock? Not to get all hyperbolic, but that lowkey sounds like slavery to me.
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hot dog, pizza, food memes, eggs, cursed food, fruits, food service, hot dogs, bread, funny food photos, gross food, food, junk food, fast food, fruit, meat

Food Memes To Quell The Hunger

It's eating time
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manager malicious compliance managers workplace customer service workplace-stories toxic-workplace food service service Horrible Bosses service industry - 19759621

'You didn't do anything about it?': Manager underestimates busboy and tries to scapegoat him, other workers quit

It's always best to take advice from and listen to the person who knows best… and just because you're in charge doesn't automatically mean that that's you. Even the most base level of worker will know more than you about niche details and processes regarding their role. That's the reason why, when entering a new leadership position, it's always best to observe and learn before acting and making changes. There will reach a point where you need to step in and make some changes, some of which may…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace food service workplace workers employment service industry - 2033159

'I've been struggling [to afford] food': Worker shares scathing messages from their boss after they recover discarded food from workplace

This manager took issue because one of their workers was taking discarded bread loaves from back-of-house disposal. Anyone who has worked in food service or the service industry has witnessed this at some point: perfectly good food going to the bin just because they can't move the product and donating the food to a shelter would present a “lawsuit risk.” So away it goes, right into the dumpster. It's always a shame to see all perfectly good food go to waste—even if you have plenty to eat at hom…
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'We are aware of that': Manager wants workers to prep store for opening during Level 2 snow emergency

'We are aware of that': Manager wants workers to prep store for opening during Level 2 snow emergency, draws ire online

At what point are health and safety more important than opening in the middle of a blizzard?
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restaurant, restaurants, fine dining, kitchen, chef, cooking, mistake, reddit

Restaurant Employees Share Spectacular Fails From Fresh Hires

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service industry customer service server waiter Waiting food service malicious compliance coworkers terrible coworkers dickhead co-workers

Annoying coworker insist's server's section is better and forces them to swap, makes less

Sometimes, you just aren't good at something, and that's okay; not everyone is going to excel at everything they try, and that's just the way it is. We're all individuals with different skills who might find certain things more or less challenging. Still, it's important that we keep our egos in check and not lash out at others for our own shortcomings—for displaying grace in the midst of one's failings will determine how others will perceive your character. Some people don't seem to get this an…
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crazy entitled parents server waiter waiting Kitchen Confidential food service entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people service industry - 17584901

Entitled Karen Wants A Salad, Orders a Not Salad, Tantrum Ensues

This entitled Karen insisted on ordering a salad. However, the salad she was ordering was, in fact, not a salad. Despite the waiter's attempts to explain this to her, she refused to listen and then proceeded to have a meltdown once her "salad" arrived.
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'She grabbed me on my arm': New manager orders line cook to "Stay in one place and do one thing," predictable outcome occurs

'She grabbed me on my arm': New manager orders line cook to "Stay in one place and do one thing," predictable outcome occurs

Far too many new managers think they can walk into a new organization and start implementing and imposing changes.
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mcdonalds, food, fast food, junk food, cursed food, food service, funny twitter, takeout

Dude Goes on Suspenseful Journey Ordering "Nothing Burger" from McDonalds

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my (17f) manager had me leave the new girl waiting tables on her own, so I took her at her word.

'A customer called in and complained': Lazy restaurant managers refuse to help teen workers with lunch rush, get customer complaints

Being appointed as a leader generally means that you should be doing at least a little bit of leading: sitting on your cell phone while your teenaged workers suffer the onslaught of a rush is not that. It's a sure sign that someone shouldn't have been appointed to the leadership position they are in and is instead a living, breathing example of the “Peter principle.” Other times the issue is worse still, and the person's appointment to their leadership role isn't due to any previous performance…
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dine and dash, customer service, service industry, work, antiwork, server, restaurant, horrible bosses, reddit, reddit thread

Customers Dine & Dash at Restaurant, Boss Tries to Force Server to Cover Cost

Serving is a thankless job. Often caught between a horrible boss breathing down their neck and a table of customers from hell, a server only has a paycheck and tips to look forward to. One redditor vented to r/antiwork about their sister's shady employer , who had the nerve to charge her $200 after her table decided to dine and dash. So, not only did she miss out on a good tip, but her job was putting her into debt. Redditors in the comment section were rightfully indignant, urging OP to report…
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