
food service

My supervillain origin story. I consider myself a reasonable man but this kind of behavior reminds me

'My supervillain origin story.': Server receives a note instead of a tip from customer, sparks outrage in online server community

The service industry offers its workers a myriad of shitty experiences: Terrible customers, terrible employers, terrible coworkers, and an (often) unpredictable income that relies upon strangers' ethics and understanding of their social obligations.
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public, customer service, customers, weird, strange, funny, sad, customer, food service, hospitality, retail, call center, story, storytime

Customer Service Workers Share Their Most Haunting Customer Interactions

Ew, people
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life hack work in a restaurant bw the ages of 18 and 24 | not a joke

Twitter Thread: Server sparks debate and discussion around the life lessons and experience that comes with working in the Service Industry

Your first job in the service industry (or retail, I'd argue) is a formative experience. For most of us, it comes at that time in our life when earning some cash is a necessity: Maybe you've just graduated high school or college and need a job; maybe you're still in high school; maybe the career you thought you were going to have as an Olympic level athlete didn't quite work out, and now you have no idea what you're doing with your life. Ignoring the fact that the last example is oddly specific…
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fast food, food service, publix, customer, customers, queue, order, debate, tiktok

Demanding Customer Sparks Debate by Ordering "Spreadsheet" of Subs at Publix

There was a queue
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family drama aita drama service-worker Kitchen Confidential chef food service family reddit thread Reddit service industry antiwork parenting Horrible Bosses - 17896965

'If you miss even one shift you get demoted': Father/Boss forces son to miss the birth of child

It's never a good thing when an employer forces their employee to miss a significant life event in order to assert their authority over the employee's life and ensure that they never dare to question the importance of their work again. Such instances are dehumanizing and toxically reinforce the bizarre idea that our work is more important than our family and health. It's shocking then to think that a parent could do this to their own child who works for them. Well, that's exactly what happened…
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Got reprimanded for not laughing at a customer's joke

Server Gets in Trouble for Not Laughing at a Customer’s Bad Joke

The manager of a pizza restaurant scolded this worker for not laughing at a customer's uncomfortable joke about her weight.
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aita workplace reddit thread Reddit manager food service Horrible Bosses fast food service industry story-update - 17704453

Update: Boss Reads Employees Private Fan-Faction Erotica Out Loud to Entire Team as "Prank", Wonders if He's Wrong

This fast food manager read his subordinate's erotic fan-fiction to the team as a prank and has taken to Reddit's r/AITA community to see if he was wrong.
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Kitchen Confidential waiting food service service kitchen bartender service industry reddit thread Reddit - 17585157

Delivery Guy's Sky-High Stack of Boxes Floods Entire Kitchen in Surprising Chain of Events

We've all been there; you're already having a bad day, behind schedule, and rushing to try and catch up to get back on top of things. All this hustle leads you to make a critical error that you wouldn't normally have made… If you're lucky you catch it. If not, well, that could be the end of your entire career.
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crazy entitled parents server waiter waiting Kitchen Confidential food service entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people service industry - 17584901

Entitled Karen Wants A Salad, Orders a Not Salad, Tantrum Ensues

This entitled Karen insisted on ordering a salad. However, the salad she was ordering was, in fact, not a salad. Despite the waiter's attempts to explain this to her, she refused to listen and then proceeded to have a meltdown once her "salad" arrived.
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antiwork cooking Kitchen Confidential chef food service kitchenconfidential service industry reddit thread Reddit - 17516549

Update: Chef Quits, Walks Out During Rush, Owner Wants to Meet, Turns Out to Be a Trap

Thanks to the advice they received in their original post this chef avoided a terrible meet-up.
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kitchen, food service, cook, server, restaurant, job, work, reddit, annoying, kitchen confidentials

Restaurant Workers List the Most Annoying Things People Say About Their Jobs

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customer service idontworkherelady retail food service service i-dont-work-here-lady karen service industry - 17482245

Hungry Karen Orders Pizza From A Craft Store

Need I say more?
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anti work, antiwork, service workers, food service, reddit, reddit thread, jobs, managers, horrible bosses, wages, tipping

Servers Earn More Than Managers Thanks to Big Tips, Boss Responds by Cutting Wages

Tipping is a strange, yet highly normalized custom in American culture. Do you ever stop and wonder about the origins of gratuity in America? The history is pretty damn dark . Nevertheless, tipping workers for their service is deeply embedded into our society and it isn't going away, unless of course, employers start to pay service workers adequately. This r/antiwork post about how a restaurant decided to cut wages because workers were making too much in tips makes us think that's not going to…
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reddit, reddit thread, malicious compliance, stupid people, waiter, server, retail, stories

Enjoyable Thread Reminisces On Times Annoying Customers Played Themselves

Serves them right
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subway, employee, complaining, work, job, cookies, debate, tiktok

Subway Worker Prompts Debate After Complaining About Having To Bake Cookies

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servers, restaurant, food service, tales from your server, tipping, reddit, reddit thread, work memes, customer service, food service industry, yikes, restaurant, covid-19 | r/TalesFromYourServer u/CaptColten 27d Dear guy went on rant about government is gonna track us with contact tracing info Short paid with debit card s s post. 1 2.6k 123 1 Share

Frustrating Service Industry Tales From Disgruntled Servers

In these trying times, don't forget to tip
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