

Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

funny and stupid dad jokes | SOME PEOPLE HAVE GINGER BREAD HOUSES HAVE PIZZA HUT | kid doing swallowed those coins? No change yet.

25 Dad Jokes That Are Dangerously Dadly

It's the dadliest catch.
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Funny puns and tweets about cheese, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Dramatic Tweet About Cheese Shelf Collapse Inspires Gleeful Pun-Fest

If you like pun, you're in for a treat.
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snow puns ohio lol silly contest snow plow funny - 16286213

Ohio Turnpike Reveals New Snowplow Names, They Are Perfect

It's something we've known since the cultural tipping point that was the naming of “Boaty McBoatface.” While democracy can have its issues when it comes to efficiency in governance, it is absolutely the best method humanity has ever devised for naming infrastructure-maintaining heavy equipment. The results came in and these are the names of the snowplows used by the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission.
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Thieving neighbors keep stealing from garden, and then they get called out with plant puns.

Neighbors Steal From Garden, Plant Puns Wall Of Shame Ensues

Maybe they just shouldn't steal.
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technically accurate memes

Technically Accurate Moments That Are Basically Right

Yeah, okay sure.
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Covid-related couple names

Sexy Pet Names for Your Covid-Positive Bae-ohazard

Six feet apart, but still close to your heart.
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technically accurate funny literal moments | Tim Hogan @timjhogan 3h Sometimes think about guy at my poker table Vegas who kicked out after pit boss said he too drunk (high bar Security came over, asked him say alphabet starting with "M" and he replied Malphabet He escorted out room.

Dumb and Clever Moments That Are Technically Right

No one said they had to be actually correct.
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Funny posts from subreddit /r/UsernameCheckOut | if grave doesnt say "rest peace" on are automatically drafted into skeleton war The_Skeleton_Wars HELL FUCKING YEAH | jorge ivan @Lowlifee old were realized recess elementary school teachers mandatory breaks, not students? Today Years Old @TodayYearsOlds Today years old

Amusing Times The Username Perfectly Checked Out

What are the chances?
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Funny memes and tweets, puns, dad jokes, dad humor

Groanworthy Memes for Dad Humor Appreciators

They're unforgivable
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technically true, technically accurate, funny memes, memes, reddit, funny tweets, clever, puns, sarcasm, comedy, lol

Funny Things That Feel Wrong But Are Technically True

These dubious points are actually kinda valid
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funny clever stupid dad jokes | Science fact is impossible man use stud finder without first scanning himself with and stating room found one | Once became parent finally understood scene where Yoda gets so tired answering Luke's questions he just dies.

Dad Jokes That Go Father Than Ever Before

They're extra dadly.
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Funny Memes, Stupid Memes, Punny Memes, Puns, Double Entendre, Dad Jokes, Dumb Humor | Hey guys do wanna hang out after school? Kid named out: Kid named school: Kid named guys do wanna hang out after school: Kid named guys son bitch, Im Hey. | Hey bro, where can get protein shake around here Dude, there's no whey hell.

30+ Punny Memes Full Of Innuendo

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Funny memes and jokes that are technically true.

Technically True Memes & Jokes That We Really Can't Argue With

Pretty damn accurate.
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funny pun memes and dad jokes | rogeyroo: sashimi rolling, they hating person wearing a sushi costume riding a bicycle | reading book about anti gravity. Is any good can't put down Star Trek

Puns of Varying Quality and Clevertude

The puns roll on.
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30+ Funny Dad Memes For Total Cornballs

Channel your inner dad
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funny stupid dad jokes and puns | Mountains aren't just funny, they are hill areas hilarious photo of blue skies above rocky mountains

Dad Jokes for Everyone's Inner Father Figure

They're a way of life.
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