

neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories Bad Neighbor stories - 21675013

'I cut down the tree': Neighbor challenges guy to cut down his tree, gets left with debris

Now I'm not saying that cutting down your neighbor's tree based on a verbal agreement is a bad idea (it is), but if you've ever gone down the internet rabbit hole of “tree law” you'll know that it's serious business with potentially astronomical consequences.
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professor, college, student, college student, high school, school, comeback, witty comeback, twitter, funny twitter, twitter thread, rude, lateness

College Goers Share Sassy Comebacks Exchanged Between Professors and Students

Wittiness is next to tardiness
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life ruined, stories, cautionary fail, fail, reddit thread, askreddit, mistakes, consequences, cringe

Cautionary Fails: Regrettable Times People Ruined Their Lives in an Instant

Oh, the humanity
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tiktok, tiktoks, viral tiktok, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy, gen z, embarrassing, hmm, social media, screenshots, tiktok screenshots, stories, story time, stupid people, crazy people

The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (July 11, 2023)

A rollercoaster ride
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workplace-stories jobs work quit workplace-discussion workplace workers stories quitting employment - 21181189

'Yesterday was my last day': Employer makes worker "jump through hoops" to take PTO, quits instead

Jumping through hoops might be fun for your labrador, Charlie, but it does not make up a means of effective management. Sure, it might feel like you're doing something and having a significant impact on your team, but if you took a step back, you'd see that your directives have everyone needlessly running around in circles. Busy work is work, but it's not getting anyone anywhere. This worker shared their experience with a popular online community for workplace matters, explaining how they had g…
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tiktok, tiktoks, viral tiktoks, funny, funny stories, stories, stupid people, crazy people, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy, wtf, social media, gen z, funny, comments, funny comments

The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (July 4, 2023)

They keep on coming
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customer service tales-from-the-front-desk talesfromthefrontdesk work customer-stories customer-service-stories workplace story stories - 21165573

'With HER own card': Manager makes hotel desk worker pay for a guest's room when he refuses to

Businesses and their owners take on more of the risk and, in return, take more of the reward, paying workers a small portion of the value of their production and taking the rest for providing the means. This is the basis of a capitalist system and the argument used by your boss for why he's not giving you a raise, despite the fact that he himself just bought another new Porsche and vacations in Monaco every summer. It's true; when you're working for a business instead of starting your own, ther…
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'The penalty is $150k per image': Client refuses to paid photographer, gets predictably sued

'The penalty is $150k per image': Client refuses to paid photographer, gets predictably sued

Actions have consequences, and when you take the action of refusing to pay a contractor after signing a contract saying you would do so… you need to prepare for those consequences; especially when you decide to go ahead and use the material they've provided you anyways without paying. This photographer shared their experience of a client refusing to follow through with payment for the services they had provided. Detailing how they managed to get back at the client thanks to a water-tight contra…
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'I was devastated': Driving instructor tricks teen into failing their driving test

'I was devastated': Driving instructor tricks teen into failing their driving test

Tests exist to gauge understanding of a subject but often have the unfortunate effect of influencing the curriculum itself to achieve the best results for that test—even if that's not the best result for the students. Test designers and administrators are (usually) only humans themselves and are not free from the bias of their own perspectives and beliefs. Intentionally introducing a trick into the test that seeks to catch students out is probably unethical, especially when the test is one that…
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karens airport security malicious compliance airport malicious-compliance-reddit entitled stories karen karen-story entitled people flying airport-karen - 20983557

'I very much doubt he made his flight': Dude is rude to airport security, they select him for a thorough search

Being rude to people in customer service is only going to make your life more difficult, and it's really not a good idea to tempt someone who has the federal-granted authority to give everything you own—including your own person—a very thorough search. Further, if you're being overly aggressive and disruptive, you may be detained or banned from flying ever again altogether—which would be mightily more inconvenient than waiting for a disgruntled agent to rifle through your bag. But—hey—flying ca…
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pro revenge dota2 drama revenge gamers petty revenge video game friendship-drama stories video games - 20984069

'Reinstall your game': Gamer gets even with trolling teammate by deleting his game files

Gaming can be a great hobby; it can be exciting, relaxing, and really get your blood moving in those tense situations that get the adrenaline pumping. Still, it lends itself to being taken a little to seriously; competitive passion can often turn into nasty toxic behavior towards the people on the other side of the screen. Some gaming communities, particularly the ones that require large investments of time to develop the skill to play the game correctly and rely heavily on team cooperation, le…
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horror movies, twitter story, horror, twitter, reddit memes, funny reddit, reddit story, horror stories, twitter memes, tweets, funny tweets, reddit thread, tweet, stories, Reddit

Hilarious 'Horror Stories' That Won't Keep You Up at Night

Super hardcore
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Reddit article featuring 20 stories from women with stories about mansplaining in their lives | Thumbnail features a picture of a man explaining something to a women, looking animated, she seems uninterested and is rolling her eyes, with a light text with a black border that says 'I was once mansplained what mansplaining is', behind the text there is a light low opacity rectangle

A Medley of Mansplaining Malarkey: 20 Women Tell Their Most Memorable Stories

'Did you know that mansplaining is actually just a name for men who explain things you already know?' - Men, everywhere
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boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story job malicious compliance i quit quit workplace stories quitting - 20883717

'He BEGGED me to stay': Boss tells employee to "gain some perspective," they do and find a new job to go with it

This boss managed to take himself out of the equation when he told his employee to “gain some perspective." The employee took the advice, but the perspective they gained was one that made them realize that they would rather not work at their current job. They quit. This gave their boss a new perspective: That he was royally screwed without the employee's work, turning from indignant insolence to begging the employee not to leave. The bluff had been called, and the boss was holding a 2-7 offsuit…
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18 screenshots from a reddit article where users wrote in what they do when they miss their significant others | Thumbnail has a zoomed in picture of a hand holding a phone next to a cup of coffee, with black text outlined in a light pink color that says 'I text him that I miss him and spam him with memes'

‘I Go Ballistic’: 18 Co-dependent Couples on How They Conquer the Catastrophes of Missing Each Other

What do you do when your other half has a life of their own?
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Top Wholesome 'I Don't Worry Here Lady' Stories (June 3, 2023)

Top Wholesome 'I Don't Worry Here Lady' Stories (June 3, 2023)

We've all likely been on both ends of an “I Don't Work Here Lady” story. Look, everyone makes mistakes but not everyone has to make these assumptions. Some of these stories range from assumptions made as a result of a customer being a good samaritan, a customer's attire being strangely similar to that of a store's employees, and an entitled Karen's main character syndrome. Keep scrolling below for this fresh collection of “I Don't Work Here Lady” stories. For more, here are some top petty stori…
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